My Approach

439074I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

My approach is not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding.

Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

Here are some concepts that we will explore during our work together:

Bio-individuality™: The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I’ll support you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background. I use a personalized, holistic approach to ensure that you will have great success!

Primary Food™: It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.

Integrative Nutrition™ Plate: The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It shows you how a plate should appear at mealtime and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size. To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health: relationship, career, physical activity and spirituality. I’ll introduce you to some of the healthiest foods on the planet and teach you how to find what’s healthiest for your unique body!

You can learn more about my training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Are you ready to start feeling better than ever? Schedule an initial consultation with me today!

This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

My Training

I received my training as a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program.

During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.
My teachers included:
Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine;
Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine;
Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center;
Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University;
Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.

My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health. Drawing on these skills and my knowledge of different dietary theories,

I work with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results.

International School of Skin & Nails – Aesthetician – 1015 hrs – 10/2000

Fl License# FB857, GA License# ES001541 & NY License#28LU1286011

Spa Techniques Janet McCormick, Advanced Aesthetics – 8/18-22/2002

Dermalogica – Acne 5/2000, Environmentally Sensitive Skin -9/2000

Chemical Peeling PCA – 9/2001

Phytobiodermie – Mech Lymph Drainage 3/2002, Chromatherapy 3/2002

New Apeel Microderm – SkinCare Specialty System – 9/2002

Advanced Skincare TechniquesCa Botana – 5/2003

Dermalogica – Face Mapping – 6/2004

Adv. Concepts in Medical Skincare Biomedic LaRoche-Posay– 5/2005
DermaGenesis (Dermapeel) Microderm – 6/2005

LPG Cosmecanique & Endermolgie – 10/2005

Repechage- specialist certification – 11/2007

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level -03/2010

Biblical Health Institute Biblical health Coach -03/15/2011

Trained Birth Arts International Doula – Birth Doula -09/09/2011

Wise Woman Herbal Apprenticeship – Shamanic Herbalist -11/11/11

Violet Alchemy Healing 07/01/2012

Ordained Reverend 08/18/2012

Star of Ishtar –  Red Tent Facilitator – 05/2013

Institute for Integrative Nutrition – Graduate 10/2013

Integrated Energy Therapy – Intermediate & Advanced Level 11/2013

Integrated Energy Therapy – Master Instructor/Practitioner – 03/2014

International Placenta and Postpartum Association – Placenta Encapsulation Specialist – 12/2015

Spinning Babies Workshop – 03/2016 & 09/2017

Hypnobabies® – Registered Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula – 06/2016

La Matrona FoundationCertified Accessible Doula – 02/2017

La Matrona Foundation – Certified Holistic Doula – 03/2017

Birth Spirituality and HealingBirth Spirituality and Healing Coach – 10/2017

La Matrona Foundation – Tending the Postpartum Psyche – Advanced Postpartum Care and Homeopathy – 11/2017

Indigenous Remedies – Herbal Therapy for Women’s Health and Wellness – 01/2018

Moon Mother Level 1 Training & Optimized Woman workshop, Miranda Gray 9/18-20/2019

Birth Healing and Spirituality – Certified BSH Facilitator – Gena McCarthy. 10/15/2018

The Academy of Lactation Policy & Practice (ALPP) Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) – The Center for Breastfeeding 2 /8/2019

Neonatal Resuscitation Program – NRP provider 3/9/2019

American Red Cross Adult Infant First Aid/CPR/AED 3/16/2019


Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor Hypnobabies Hynobirthing – 9/4/2024


aadp ascpmemberlogo_color1 iahc-badge




This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

Full Spectrum Doula

A Full-Spectrum Doula (FSD) offers physical, emotional, and informational support to people throughout their lives, whether or not they are pregnant.

A FSD can meet up with anyone who has a cervix, no matter how they self-identify.

Full-Spectrum Doulas are also trained to support individuals and families through all pregnancy outcomes, including abortion, miscarriage, and adoption.

Maritday is trained as a Full-Spectrum Doula.

Full-Spectrum Doulas help people who are…

  • Trying to get pregnant.
  • Avoiding pregnancy.
  • Wanting to see their cervix/vulva/vagina.
  • Concerned about STDs.
  • Newly pregnant and overwhelmed.
  • Having trouble reaching orgasm.
  • Curious about anatomy.
  • Dissatisfied or confused with current birth control choices.
  • Want to learn more “natural/holistic” approaches to self-care.
  • Looking for ways to cope with menstruation.
  • Thinking their genitals might be abnormal.
  • Rethinking their sexual orientation or gender.
  • Confused about payment/insurance options for pelvic health.
Consultations with a full-spectrum doula can include any of the following topics:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Anatomy of Pleasure and Orgasm
  • Self-Care
  • Internal and External Self-Examination
  • Menstruation and Ovulation
  • Preconception Health and Planning
  • Fertility Awareness Methods
  • Pregnancy Prevention
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Miscarriage Support
  • Abortion Doula Services
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Adoption Support
  • Herbal Remedies
  • LGBTQI-Specific Care
  • Advocacy

Thank you Welcome Home Doula Service for explaining so eloquently what a Full Spectrum Doula is and does!

“Childbirth education empowers one to make informed choices in health care, to assume responsibility for their health, and to trust their inner wisdom”. – Lamaze International

What Do You Learn?
• Skills, tools and tips for coping with labor pain
• How the birth environment can enhance or detract from your ability to cope
• The factors that can make pain seem less intense and more manageable
• How to manage fear, stress and anxiety for childbirth and parenting challenges
• How to talk to your health care providers to get the answers you need to make great decisions
• When medical tools and procedures enhances health and when they do not
• How to effectively use pain medications for maximum satisfaction and effectiveness
• The role your baby plays during labor
• Facilitating your baby’s rotations into the optimal position for labor and birth
• Healthy pregnancy exercises and nutrition decisions
• Skills for postpartum communication and harmony with your partner
• Skills for breastfeeding
• Skills for newborn care

and that is only the beginning!

Postpartum Doula

Mid Hudson Valley, NY, NYC, CT, NJ, MA, CA, NM, CO, FL Traveling Doula

whole intuitive woman solutions await for your comfort, care, nourishing, nurturing postpartum integration & adjustment <3

When you have you return home with your baby, The Sacred Health Doula is waiting at the ready to shower you in support.

While you transition, we come in and pave the way to babymoon bliss.

Services include aren’t limited to:

Non-judgmental, compassionate support for the new mother and family

Meal planning, household planning, baby gear consultation, and newborn care

Bengkung Belly Binding, traditional postpartum teas, and soups, delicious desserts,
herbal remedies and sesame oil rubdowns soothe your body.

Postpartum sealing ceremonies, recounting your Birth Story, family counseling and breastfeeding support nourish your mind and emotions.

All while you process your birth, greet and learn your newest family member and take time to assimilate into your new role as a mother.

Perfect for daytime, overnight, evening, weekend – whatever you’d like!

Weekly Rates

Weekly Packages start at 20 hours.

5 hr minimum daytime hours

8 hr minimum overnight hours

Discount for long-term contracts

1-6 weeks = $75/hr

7-10 weeks = $70/hr

10+ weeks = $65/hr

Whether it is your first time or seventh time

The Sacred Health Doula is at your service.



Birth Doula


Would you like to know more about what a doula does?

Do you live in the Mid-Hudson Valley?

Let’s talk TODAY!

Ted Talks On Conception Pregnancy & Birth

Benefits of using a Birth Support Doula
Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily. 

Recent evidence also suggests that when a doula provides labor support, women are more satisfied with their experience and the mother-infant interaction is enhanced as long as two months after the birth.

With doula support, partners tend to stay more involved rather than pull away in times of stress.

Statistics have proven the assistance of a birth doula:
An analysis of 12 clinical studies* on the effects of uninterrupted labor support, such as a doula provides, identified the following improvements over births that lacked continuous support:


51% reduction in cesarean births;


25% reduction in labor length (average of 98 minutes);


35% reduction in analgesia;


71% reduction in oxytocin augmentation; and


57% reduction in use of forceps/vacuum.

Continuous labor support benefits mother and baby.

Mothers who have birthed in the presence of a doula report: greater satisfaction with childbirth; more positive assessments of their babies; less postpartum depression; and increased self-esteem. Their babies have shorter hospital stays; are less likely to be admitted to special-care nurseries; breastfeed more easily; and receive more affection from their mothers postpartum

Taken from Article:

Childbirth Education and Doula Care During Times of Stress, Trauma and Grieving, by Debra Pascali-Bonara, Bed, CD(DONA),

A Lamaze Interenational Publication, Jperinat Educ. 2003 Fall:12(4): 1-7, copyright 2003.

When you know better, You do better.” — Maya Angelou





Mid Hudson Valley, solutions await for your comfort, care, nourishing and nurturing <3

When you have you return home with your baby, The Sacred Health Doula is waiting at the ready to shower you in support.

While you transition, we come in and pave the way to babymoon bliss.

Services include by aren’t limited to:

Non-judgmental, compassionate support for the new mother and family

Meal planning, household planning, baby gear consultation and newborn care

Bengkung Belly Binding, traditional postpartum teas and soups, delicious desserts,
herbal remedies, and sesame oil rubdowns soothe your body.

Postpartum sealing ceremonies, recounting your Birth Story, family counseling and breastfeeding support nourish your mind and emotions.

All while you process your birth, greet and learn your newest family member and take time to assimilate into your new role as mother.

Perfect for daytime, overnight, evening, weekend – whatever you’d like!

Weekly Rates

Weekly Packages start at 20 hours.

We are happy to reduce our hourly rate for long-term contracts.

5 hr minimum daytime hours

8 hr minimum overnight hours

Discount for long-term contracts

1-6 weeks = $40/hr

7-10 weeks = $35/hr

10+ weeks = $30/hr

Whether it is your first time or seventh time

The Sacred Health Doula is at your service.



Placenta Encapsulation FAQ

When you are trying to decided which services you want to invest in, you may find that you have MANY questions.
Selecting birth or postpartum services involves confidence and trust in the company you use.

You will find the solutions to many of your questions below.

First, we examine your placenta and wash off any residual blood.

Depending on your preparation preference, the placenta is either very thinly sliced, or gently steamed and then thinly sliced.
These slices go into a food grade dehydrator until the internal temperature reaches 160° F for about 8-10 hours.
It is then ground up into a fine powder and put into capsule form using an encapsulating device.

Your capsules are packaged in dark glass or PET plastic jars to protect the quality and potency.

The raw foods method of preparation skips the heating process before dehydration.

Your placenta is only washed and sliced. This gives you more potent capsules and a higher yield.
The heated method gently warms the placenta. The placenta is sliced and dehydrated.
Basic Heated method aligns with the belief that the postpartum body needs warmth to adequately heal from birth, replenish and move fluids and remove obstructions.
Both have incredible benefits!


Just make sure you let your care provider and hospital know that you plan to take your placenta home with you.
They will place it in a small, plastic container labeled with your information.


At your prenatal visit your encapsulator will give you a small styrofoam cooler with a utility grade thermometer inside.
Bring this with you when you give birth.
Your placenta container can be placed inside the cooler surrounded by ice.
Stick the thermometer in the ice next to the container and ensure it stays between 30-40° F until it can transported to your home and prepared.
You can obtain ice from the staff where you birth.


Sacred Connections Health & Life Arts is run by someone who was trained by an internationally known & respected placenta specialist.
Maritday is very familiar with following food handling safety.
OSHA protocol for working with blood borne pathogens are always followed.
Preparation in your home ensures that you are receiving your OWN placenta.

There is never a risk of mix up or cross contamination.

Placenta tincture is a piece of raw or powdered placenta that is infused in high proof alcohol.

The alcohol draws all of the nutrients and hormonal compounds from the placenta.

This extraction process creates a powerful tincture that is preserved for longer periods of time.

Placenta Encapsulation

The Sacred Health Doula offers:

many options for placenta preparation including smoothies, capsules, tincture, chocolate truffles, salves, body butters, prints, umbilical cord keepsakes.
As a Sacred Health Doula client, your placenta is prepared in your home. This is important because it guarantees that you part of the process just as you were throughout your pregnancy. It also is the same environment that your baby and placenta grew and were nurtured in. Aromatherapy and music that you love will be diffused to put your essence and love into your environment as your capsules and placenta creations are prepared.
Trained by International Placenta & Postpartum Association (IPPA) rest assured your placenta will be in skilled and caring hands.

We adhere to strict state Food Handling and OSHA guidelines so you can be sure that you are receiving the BEST services in New York.

Please visit our FAQ page for any questions you may have.

Want your placenta processed within hours of giving birth?

Just give us a call!
We have a 48 hour guaranteed turnaround time.
Want to choose placenta encapsulation and you just gave birth?
Last minute bookings are fine too 🙂

Click each pictures for package description

Any of our services can be added to the above packages to create a custom option that works best for you!


JUST Placenta
(no print, keepsake or postpartum)

Placenta Smoothie

6 oz Tincture

Placenta Salve

Placenta Chocolates

1 Postpartum Meal

Bengkung Belly Binding

1-hour Breastfeeding Support

Baby Gear Planning
(3 hours)

-Can transport with proper waiver signed
-All encapsulated pills made from placenta in Amber glass bottle
-Tincture in alcohol 


Sacred Support Sessions

Additional Sacred Support Sessions
All of my packages include 2 prenatal meetings where we will get to know one another, and discuss your hopes and plans for your birth, and 1 post-partum meet up to discuss and decompress.  Packages 3-4 include additional meet-ups, from which you can choose from the list below.  Extra
Sacred Support Sessions can be added to any package for an additional $100 each.
Pre-natal Sacred Support Sessions

Hypno-Baby session- 75 minute 1-on-1 prenatal session in your home, where I will leave you with a meditation that you can listen to for relaxation or labor.

Pack the hospital bag– I’ll bring a list from personal experience and a few things for your bag and we can spend some time gathering up what you will want at your hospital birth.

1 hour relaxation session, with your partner and I working together to show you some relaxation techniques that you can use during pregnancy and labor. (This is not a 1-hour massage session, but rather a tool to teach guided meditation with some hands on relaxation)

Meet your provider—I’m happy to attend a pre-natal appointment with you to meet your provider and discuss any questions you have about your birth and they may have about my role in your birth.

Milkin’ Cookies- Nursing is “natural” but not always easy.  I’ll bring all the ingredients we need to bake your first batch of delicious nursing cookies which can be eaten now or to help boost your supply after the baby comes.  While we are baking, we will discuss strategies you can use to set yourself up for success with nursing, and I’ll leave you with the yummy treats and lots of information!

Cloth Diaper Session– Interested in cloth diapering, but confused by all the newfangled terms and styles?  I’ll bring over a few samples of diapers for you to touch and feel, and will leave you with a better understanding of whether this cloth diapering thing is for you.

Post-Partum Sacred Support Sessions

2nd night– Often times that 2nd night after the baby is born is the hardest, because everyone is tired, your milk has probably not come in yet, and your baby might want to nurse all the time.  I can come back to the hospital/or your house and stay with you for a few hours, to help with nursing, to offer an extra set of hands and a calm presence while the baby is hungry.

Nap for Mama– I’ll come by after our first post-partum meeting, I’ll bring a yummy treat and you can go sleep while your baby is left in good hands for three hours.  I’ll do some light housekeeping and snuggle your little one while you get some rest and a long shower.  To be used within 3 weeks post-partum, unless discussed ahead of time.

Choose your Sacred Session

Deluxe Doula Package with Herbal Service

Deluxe Doula Package with Herbal Service $1377, $1577, $1677
-All services in Prenatal and Birth Doula package
-All services in Prenatal and Birth Herbal package
Sacred Belly Casting

Choose Delivery Location for Doula Services

Deluxe Doula Package without Herbal Service

Deluxe Doula Package without Herbal service $977, $1177, $1277
-All services in Prenatal and Birth Doula package
Sacred Belly Casting

Choose Delivery Location for Doula Services

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis

Hypnobabies is a very comprehensive, unique and successful childbirth hypnosis program for creating an easier, more comfortable birth experience.
Home Study Courses, individual MP3 tracks and Hypno-Doula Training products are available.
Learn about our
hypnobabies amazon

Mention Labor & Delivery to an expectant mom in her last trimester, and chances are good that her heart will begin to race, her mind floods with concern and in some cases, she panics. She knows that the day is coming when a force much bigger than herself will take over and her body will govern itself completely. For some women birth is a very fearful event, but for a Hypnobabies mom, it is an eagerly anticipated challenge, because they use hypnosis to eliminate discomfort and fear from the birthing experience. In the past, the word “hypnosis” conjured up images of stage hypnotists re-creating Elvis, or memories of having seen people mesmerized into embarrassing situations. Today it’s becoming more and more common for hypnosis to be used therapeutically in the areas of medicine, dental and surgical anesthesia and personal therapy sessions. Even so, there are many misconceptions regarding hypnosis that can dissuade those contemplating this powerful tool.

Here are a few FACTS:

  • All hypnosis is self-hypnosis; the hypnotherapist is only a guide. A person chooses to enter into a hypnotic state, remain in hypnosis and come out of hypnosis at will.
  • Approximately 90-95% of the population can be hypnotized. Willingness, belief and motivation have great influence over hypnotizability.
  • During hypnosis you are neither asleep nor unconscious, and will always “come out” whenever you wish. You are always in complete control.
  • Stronger-minded and stronger-willed people are easier to hypnotize; not the other way around as is usually assumed.
  • You cannot be made to divulge information or do anything against your will while in hypnosis.
  • Hypnosis is not Satanic or religion-oriented at all, just a way to direct your inner mind toward the positive for great personal benefit.
  • We are all in states of hypnosis many times a day already!

What about Childbirth Hypnosis Classes?

When learning how to use hypnosis for childbirth, women are taught that the uterine muscles will work efficiently together, as they were designed to, when the body is completely relaxed. The depth of relaxation necessary is achieved with hypnosis so expectant moms learn these skills in class, and practice them at home every day until their baby arrives.

Important: Comfort in childbirth depends on much more than deep relaxation, so in a complete hypnosis for childbirth program, moms must be taught the most in-depth hypnotic anesthesia techniques that exist. These make a huge difference in creating your truly comfortable birthing experience, and are easily learned and practiced.

The Birth Partner plays a very integral role in the preparation process: by listening to the hypnosis tracks, reading the handouts and guiding the Hypno-mother into deep relaxation with hypnosis scripts. Birth Partners are also an invaluable part of the labor and birth process as they help moms to focus and concentrate, as well as supporting them physically.

Please note: Mothers without partners can easily learn, practice and use Hypnobabies on their own. All aspects of labor and birth are covered in Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis  classes, as well as information on Nutrition, Exercise, Avoiding Complications and Back Labor, Fear Clearing Sessions, Birth Plans, Consumer Issues and Postpartum Preparation, Newborn Care and Breastfeeding, as well as much more.


How effective is this?

Statistics vary depending on the goals of each Hypnobabies mother, as well as the dedication to, and compliance with, the program.
 The following are statistics for Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis only:
(based on our very successful 6 week course, and 18 total hours of instruction)
1) Very Comfortable births – 70-75%. Women who report that they felt mostly pressure, tightening or mild cramping sensations.
2) Comfortable until transition – 15%. Pressure only, until the 10-60 minute transitional period, with mild to intense degrees of sensation thereafter. “Very manageable.”
3) Comfortable until active labor – 10%, with mild to intense degrees of sensation thereafter This group can have any number of things that affect their birth experiences; prodromal labor, posterior or asynclitic presentations that do not resolve, other labor complications, emotional issues, lack of support, or they simply did not do their homework! (45 minutes a day) Hypnosis for childbirth won’t help a mother or a couple that is not willing to do the work involved in preparing for their baby’s birth.All women reported that the Relaxation and Fear Clearing in the Hypnobabies program were invaluable to them during their labors.

Benefits of Using Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis:

  • Many moms use fewer drugs or no drugs, which means less risk of side effects for you and your baby, due to elimination of the Fear/Tension/Pain Syndrome, and by learning, practicing and using post-hypnotic suggestions.
  • Most Hypno-mothers have shorter labors since there is less resistance of the birthing muscles when pain and fear are minimized or eliminated.
  • Hypno-Moms generally have much more energy throughout first and second stage, due to achieving total relaxation throughout the birthing process.
  • The birthing environment is much more calm and peaceful when you, the natural childbirth mother are comfortable, relaxed and confident.
  • Breech and posterior babies can be turned using hypnosis.
  • Blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature can be lowered and nausea, back and hip pain eliminated with hypnosis during pregnancy and labor.
  • There are fewer interventions for failure to progress and therefore fewer complications during labor for our mothers and babies.
  • As a Hypnobabies mom, you are easily “deprogrammed” from the usual negativity of childbirth stories and scenarios you may have heard or read, during Hypnobabies classes and by listening to audio CDs which have positive messages and hypnotic suggestions.
  • This automatically allows you to have a much more positive attitude and confidence in birthing. It is truly a gift that you are giving yourself, an amazingly easy way to enjoy your pregnancy more and actually look forward to your baby’s birth.



It is well worth the time to look into Hypnobabies as a wonderful birthing option, both for yourself and for your baby. Natural Childbirth without intense discomfort has many benefits to mom and baby, and Hypnobabies has even helped many a nervous birth partner to enjoy pregnancy and childbirth, since they experience hypnosis in Hypnobabies class as well!

Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula

As a Trained Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula I can easily:Me 2016

1. Learn and practice Hypnobabies techniques and hypno-cues ahead of time with the Hypno-couple in a few Birthing Rehearsals, as well as use only Hypnobabies language and techniques at all times. This reinforces your practice and helps form a bond between you and your doula.

2. Be a liaison for the couple with hospital staff, explaining that they need darkness, solitude and quiet, keeping distraction to a minimum, etc.3. Learn and use hypnotic Deepening techniques with the Hypno-mom, for use in Transformation (transition) stage.4. Help with Fear Clearing and hypno-cues during your Birthing Time (trading off with the Birth Partner when he/she is tired, but not replacing the Birth Partner).

5. Learn and use Hypnobabies pushing techniques and with the Hypno-mom, for use in her pushing stage.

6. Help the Hypno-mom get up to change positions or go to the bathroom immediately after a birthing wave is over as the mom has learned to do. This and many other Hypno-Doula training techniques help the Hypnobabies birthing mother to remain in hypnosis as she changes positions, using Birth Prompts and her “Light switch” and “Peace” cues.

7.Remember that positional changes and upright positions are mainly used for descent and positioning of the baby and not for comfort in a Hypnobabies birth. When using hypnosis for childbirth, physical comfort comes from using hypnosis to flow deeper inside the inner mind, which also creates the deepest physical relaxation possible.

Doula Hand on Shoulder

Questions for a Hypnobabies Mom to Ask When Interviewing a Doula:

1. Where were you trained and how long have you been a birthing assistant?
2. How many births have you attended as a doula?
3. Are you a Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula?
4. If not, do you have any experience or knowledge of using hypnosis for childbirth? If so, what?
5. If you are not a trained Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula, would you be willing to learn Hypnobabies techniques and read materials that will allow you to birth-assist me in my Birthing Time?
6. Are you willing to do at least one Hypnobabies birthing rehearsal with me and my birth partner?
7. Are you willing to use only the Hypnobabies course language that I/we have been learning and practicing?
8. Describe your role in my birthing: What exactly will you do and what techniques will you use?
9. How many times will I see you before the birth?
10. When will you come to attend me in my Birthing Time?

More specific questions you may want to ask:

1. What other services do you offer? (Breastfeeding support, postpartum for mom and dad, new baby care, etc.)

2. Tell me about your experience with birth, personally and in your practice.
3. What is your philosophy about childbirth and supporting women and their partners through their Birthing Time?

4. What care providers have you worked with in our area?
5. What do you think is the most important part of your job?
6. Are there any limits to your availability?
7. Do you have a back-up Hypno-Doula for times when you are not available; and may we meet with her?
8. In what hospitals have you attended births?
9. May we call you with questions or concerns before and after the birth?
10. Do you meet with me (us) after the birth to review our birth and answer questions?
11. What is your fee, and what does it include?
12. Are there two of your past clients whom I may call?


Please remember that your decision to learn, practice and use Hypnobabies for your baby’s birth is a very intelligent one that includes a few special needs, and if you are choosing to have a doula at your birth, you would do well to choose a trained Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions by e-mailing us.