


Opening Hours

By Appointment Only


I love doing oracle and tarot readings.

They don’t tell you what to do.

They don’t predict the future.

They simply provide guidance.

You will receive a nudge, wink, or confirmation from the Divine.

I believe we already have the information we need within.

Our soul and the Divine are speaking to us all the time but with the busy world we live in, we aren’t always sure which voice is speaking…

Our inner wisdom or inner critic.

Know this, your soul and the Divine always speak the language of love and compassion.

They are here to help you.

You are wiser than you know and the tarot and oracle are simply a tool to help you trust what’s within.

Remember, you always have free will. You are co-creating your future with the energy behind your thoughts.

Guided Coaching ~ via phone or Skype
When you click the “buy button” you will be asked to:

  • choose oracle deck
  • submit your question, challenge, or area of concern or just state “general guidance”

50 (Fifty minute) one-on-one session in person or over the phone. $125
25 (Twenty-Five) minute one-on-one session over the phone. $65

Oracle Guidance ~ via email

One card reading $11

Three card reading $33

Five card reading $55

Medicine Wheel one-year reading $95
Receive an email with a picture of your reading and a PDF with a short description of your cards, the spread you requested, and any additional intuitive guidance.
*Medicine Wheel reading will include journaling prompts to be used throughout the year.
This reading comes with a beautiful 26 page PDF.

Reading Request
Deck Requested
Deck Requested Cont’d



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