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Birth Plan Basics

A birth plan  provides thorough communication encouraging all parties involved to assist you in getting the birth you want (or as close to it as you can).

As a pregnant mother you have expectations on how you would like your birth to go but sometimes feel leery to express your wishes for this labor and delivery to your medical professional. Remember your doctor works for you and your birth is just that – your birth. You can decide and design your perfect birth scenario.

You can ask any question that you want, You can birth in a manner that makes you feel amazing and empowered (unless of course there is a medically valid reason why you can’t)

Having an option and direction gives you piece of mind that your wishes will be honored and your baby will be birthed in the manner of your choosing. A birth plan ensures just that!

Giving birth is a natural process but things can come up, so creating your birth plan supports your first decisions as a mother and your needs during labor and delivery.

doulaacvtion2Helping you achieve your goals for an ideal birthing experience your detailed birth plan will cover:

• Where you will deliver – birth center, hospital, or at home
• Who will attend: Doctor or Midwife?
• What type of meds – Prescribed pharmaceuticals or Herbal Remedies?
• How you will manage pain – Relaxation techniques, Environment/Ambiance or Epidural
• Do you need surgical intervention – Caesarean or Episiotomy?
• Are you – low or high risk?
• Who will support you – Doula, Dad, Significant Other, Family or Friends?
• Is my birth location baby friendly – building infant mother bond, immediate skin to skin contact and breastfeeding, do they allow question following the birth in regards to the baby initial examination?
• What I will need for my Recovery – support dealing with regular post partum delivery issues, post partum delivery issues with interventions.
• What if something goes wrong -Sometimes babies are sick, disabled or even sadder, can die. Having a support team in place is imperative. Knowing your rights to your child in health, sickness and in death are imperative as is the right to grieve and say goodbye.

Having a birth plan ensures that your ideal birth wishes are honored and respected. Sitting down and having a heart to heart talk with your spouse, significant other, family, friends and loved ones and express what is most important to you and how their positive support, encouragement and caring communication throughout your pregnancy can effectively achieve an amazing labor and birthing experience.
By Maritday Rodriguez, Doula, CB HC, LME,

doulaacvtion1I was quoted HERE on What nurses need to know about birth plans

I used these references to write this article:
Book Reference
• Creating Your Birth Plan The defining guide to a safe and empowering birth
Written by Marsden Wagner, M.D., M.S.
Internet References
• http://www.pennysimkin.com/articles/The_WinWin_Birth_Plan.pdf
• http://nursingbirth.com/2009/07/22/writing-your-birth-plan-tips-from-an-ld-nurse-part-1/
• http://blissedoutbaby.blogspot.com/2012/04/my-naturally-minded-birth-plan-2012.html