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Hosting a Mother Blessing

A Mother Blessing is an ancient ceremony customary to many indigenous cultures to celebrate a woman’s transition into motherhood. The Navajo have a saying, “whatever happens here on Earth must first be dreamed”, and that’s exactly what a Mother Blessing holds space for.

It is a ceremony (or the “dream”) that we all hold for a major life event and, as we all know, motherhood is pretty life-altering.

Mother Blessing can also be held for women going through any major change: divorce, move, career change, remarriage – the ceremony can be created for other life events.

  • Discuss plans for the ceremony
  • Bring supplies for ceremony
  • Create Event on Facebook or send invites
  • Special Gift
  • Keepsake
  • 2-hour party (Doesn’t include location or food)

Postpartum Doula

Mid Hudson Valley, NY, NYC, CT, NJ, MA, CA, NM, CO, FL Traveling Doula

whole intuitive woman solutions await for your comfort, care, nourishing, nurturing postpartum integration & adjustment <3

When you have you return home with your baby, The Sacred Health Doula is waiting at the ready to shower you in support.

While you transition, we come in and pave the way to babymoon bliss.

Services include aren’t limited to:

Non-judgmental, compassionate support for the new mother and family

Meal planning, household planning, baby gear consultation, and newborn care

Bengkung Belly Binding, traditional postpartum teas, and soups, delicious desserts,
herbal remedies and sesame oil rubdowns soothe your body.

Postpartum sealing ceremonies, recounting your Birth Story, family counseling and breastfeeding support nourish your mind and emotions.

All while you process your birth, greet and learn your newest family member and take time to assimilate into your new role as a mother.

Perfect for daytime, overnight, evening, weekend – whatever you’d like!

Weekly Rates

Weekly Packages start at 20 hours.

5 hr minimum daytime hours

8 hr minimum overnight hours

Discount for long-term contracts

1-6 weeks = $75/hr

7-10 weeks = $70/hr

10+ weeks = $65/hr

Whether it is your first time or seventh time

The Sacred Health Doula is at your service.




Birth Doula


Would you like to know more about what a doula does?

Do you live in the Mid-Hudson Valley?

Let’s talk TODAY!

Ted Talks On Conception Pregnancy & Birth

Benefits of using a Birth Support Doula
Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily. 

Recent evidence also suggests that when a doula provides labor support, women are more satisfied with their experience and the mother-infant interaction is enhanced as long as two months after the birth.

With doula support, partners tend to stay more involved rather than pull away in times of stress.

Statistics have proven the assistance of a birth doula:
An analysis of 12 clinical studies* on the effects of uninterrupted labor support, such as a doula provides, identified the following improvements over births that lacked continuous support:


51% reduction in cesarean births;


25% reduction in labor length (average of 98 minutes);


35% reduction in analgesia;


71% reduction in oxytocin augmentation; and


57% reduction in use of forceps/vacuum.

Continuous labor support benefits mother and baby.

Mothers who have birthed in the presence of a doula report: greater satisfaction with childbirth; more positive assessments of their babies; less postpartum depression; and increased self-esteem. Their babies have shorter hospital stays; are less likely to be admitted to special-care nurseries; breastfeed more easily; and receive more affection from their mothers postpartum

Taken from Article:

Childbirth Education and Doula Care During Times of Stress, Trauma and Grieving, by Debra Pascali-Bonara, Bed, CD(DONA),

A Lamaze Interenational Publication, Jperinat Educ. 2003 Fall:12(4): 1-7, copyright 2003.

When you know better, You do better.” — Maya Angelou




Sacred Support Sessions

Additional Sacred Support Sessions
All of my packages include 2 prenatal meetings where we will get to know one another, and discuss your hopes and plans for your birth, and 1 post-partum meet up to discuss and decompress.  Packages 3-4 include additional meet-ups, from which you can choose from the list below.  Extra
Sacred Support Sessions can be added to any package for an additional $100 each.
Pre-natal Sacred Support Sessions

Hypno-Baby session- 75 minute 1-on-1 prenatal session in your home, where I will leave you with a meditation that you can listen to for relaxation or labor.

Pack the hospital bag– I’ll bring a list from personal experience and a few things for your bag and we can spend some time gathering up what you will want at your hospital birth.

1 hour relaxation session, with your partner and I working together to show you some relaxation techniques that you can use during pregnancy and labor. (This is not a 1-hour massage session, but rather a tool to teach guided meditation with some hands on relaxation)

Meet your provider—I’m happy to attend a pre-natal appointment with you to meet your provider and discuss any questions you have about your birth and they may have about my role in your birth.

Milkin’ Cookies- Nursing is “natural” but not always easy.  I’ll bring all the ingredients we need to bake your first batch of delicious nursing cookies which can be eaten now or to help boost your supply after the baby comes.  While we are baking, we will discuss strategies you can use to set yourself up for success with nursing, and I’ll leave you with the yummy treats and lots of information!

Cloth Diaper Session– Interested in cloth diapering, but confused by all the newfangled terms and styles?  I’ll bring over a few samples of diapers for you to touch and feel, and will leave you with a better understanding of whether this cloth diapering thing is for you.

Post-Partum Sacred Support Sessions

2nd night– Often times that 2nd night after the baby is born is the hardest, because everyone is tired, your milk has probably not come in yet, and your baby might want to nurse all the time.  I can come back to the hospital/or your house and stay with you for a few hours, to help with nursing, to offer an extra set of hands and a calm presence while the baby is hungry.

Nap for Mama– I’ll come by after our first post-partum meeting, I’ll bring a yummy treat and you can go sleep while your baby is left in good hands for three hours.  I’ll do some light housekeeping and snuggle your little one while you get some rest and a long shower.  To be used within 3 weeks post-partum, unless discussed ahead of time.

Choose your Sacred Session

Deluxe Doula Package without Herbal Service

Deluxe Doula Package without Herbal service $977, $1177, $1277
-All services in Prenatal and Birth Doula package
Sacred Belly Casting

Choose Delivery Location for Doula Services

Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula

As a Trained Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula I can easily:Me 2016

1. Learn and practice Hypnobabies techniques and hypno-cues ahead of time with the Hypno-couple in a few Birthing Rehearsals, as well as use only Hypnobabies language and techniques at all times. This reinforces your practice and helps form a bond between you and your doula.

2. Be a liaison for the couple with hospital staff, explaining that they need darkness, solitude and quiet, keeping distraction to a minimum, etc.3. Learn and use hypnotic Deepening techniques with the Hypno-mom, for use in Transformation (transition) stage.4. Help with Fear Clearing and hypno-cues during your Birthing Time (trading off with the Birth Partner when he/she is tired, but not replacing the Birth Partner).

5. Learn and use Hypnobabies pushing techniques and with the Hypno-mom, for use in her pushing stage.

6. Help the Hypno-mom get up to change positions or go to the bathroom immediately after a birthing wave is over as the mom has learned to do. This and many other Hypno-Doula training techniques help the Hypnobabies birthing mother to remain in hypnosis as she changes positions, using Birth Prompts and her “Light switch” and “Peace” cues.

7.Remember that positional changes and upright positions are mainly used for descent and positioning of the baby and not for comfort in a Hypnobabies birth. When using hypnosis for childbirth, physical comfort comes from using hypnosis to flow deeper inside the inner mind, which also creates the deepest physical relaxation possible.

Doula Hand on Shoulder

Questions for a Hypnobabies Mom to Ask When Interviewing a Doula:

1. Where were you trained and how long have you been a birthing assistant?
2. How many births have you attended as a doula?
3. Are you a Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula?
4. If not, do you have any experience or knowledge of using hypnosis for childbirth? If so, what?
5. If you are not a trained Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula, would you be willing to learn Hypnobabies techniques and read materials that will allow you to birth-assist me in my Birthing Time?
6. Are you willing to do at least one Hypnobabies birthing rehearsal with me and my birth partner?
7. Are you willing to use only the Hypnobabies course language that I/we have been learning and practicing?
8. Describe your role in my birthing: What exactly will you do and what techniques will you use?
9. How many times will I see you before the birth?
10. When will you come to attend me in my Birthing Time?

More specific questions you may want to ask:

1. What other services do you offer? (Breastfeeding support, postpartum for mom and dad, new baby care, etc.)

2. Tell me about your experience with birth, personally and in your practice.
3. What is your philosophy about childbirth and supporting women and their partners through their Birthing Time?

4. What care providers have you worked with in our area?
5. What do you think is the most important part of your job?
6. Are there any limits to your availability?
7. Do you have a back-up Hypno-Doula for times when you are not available; and may we meet with her?
8. In what hospitals have you attended births?
9. May we call you with questions or concerns before and after the birth?
10. Do you meet with me (us) after the birth to review our birth and answer questions?
11. What is your fee, and what does it include?
12. Are there two of your past clients whom I may call?


Please remember that your decision to learn, practice and use Hypnobabies for your baby’s birth is a very intelligent one that includes a few special needs, and if you are choosing to have a doula at your birth, you would do well to choose a trained Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions by e-mailing us.

Combined Package Doula and Herbal Service

Combined Package Doula and Herbal services $1177, $1377, $1477
-All services provided in Prenatal and Birth Doula
-All services provided in Prenatal and Birth Herbal service

Choose Delivery Location for Doula Services

MY Marvelous “MOON” Day Musings

Ama’ritday Ama’ritday Ama’ritday! This is my song and reminder to my self that all the magic that I am and need – Is inside me already! All I have to do is let it out!
Good Morning DIVINE People of this planet we call Earth! I am blessed as always to have this piece of cyber space to sing my song to you!


So lately in my field of reference is the longing to shine so brightly and be this Healer, World Changer, Ripple Maker, Sacred Space Holder, All the while maintaining a life that may or may not be lighting you up! Being scared to hang that shingle out that says “Master, Expert Awesomesaucer” at work here! Stepping into our power is something that scares the ever loving daylights out of most of us all except for that 7% or so that just naturally kicks ass from they moment that are birthed

I encourage you all to tell the universe your deepest darkest desire without limitation or lack. Only ABUNDANT THOUGHT SHALL ESCAPE YOUR LIPS! The universe hears you, REMEMBER your words are prayers, every last one! She absolutely conspires to give you greatness on almost every level but when we get what we want, we choke because the next step is to scary or real like whoa this actually for really happening!


For me this is how it went down…
In late November, I took my intermediate and advanced level of Integrated Energy Therapy. At that time, the instructor, whom I had met when I took my IET basic level (we had partnered together to learn during the workshop) made mention that she needed a Personal Assistant. I thought about the PA job but never offered up my services. I was like what can I do for her? She has got it going on… She is where I want to be!!! I did ask though about her work space. Why yes, I do have some days available she says and that was that until the first of June/July 2014. Life goes on and we make contact. I wanted to receive a treatment from her but life has a way of giving you what you need when you need it…. I actually am being on worked by another amazing practitioner, for now,  as is the way.. It did however give us the opportunity to get reconnected.

All of a sudden the noise in my head was deafening – Call her, Ask about the space, What do you have to lose(CAW-My Raven Power Totem))… So I did!
and the rest you can find here and I am also doing VA work for her as well….

That space waited for me from November 2013 until now and at a price that is unheard of…. With all the specs that would make a budding health coach DROOL!

So what I am trying to say is- If it is for you, it will be there for you but you must have to FAITH, that you are in your perfection even if it doesn’t feel perfect!


Love & Light







AMAZING NEWS! To Newness! Abundance! Yes!


True Light Healing Center will be hosting Sacred Connection Health and Life Arts(SCHALA) – your one stop healing center for Beauty, Body, Mind and Spirit.


SCHALA will be open for business, September 2nd, 2014 at 10am until 6pm.


In celebration, for the month of September, I will be offering new customers – a Mini Facial for $27, Ultimate Body Wrap for $27, A European Deep Pore Cleansing for $57 as well as Complimentary Nutritional Discovery Sessions, 5 min Empowerment Sessions and Single Card Oracle Readings.


I will providing Holistic Skin & Body Treatments, Integrated Energy Therapy Sessions,


nutritional & personal wellness sessions, as well as, seminars, workshops and personalized 1:1 & group retreats.

Please call 978-480-0773 or email me at info@amaritday.com for more information or to schedule an appointment. I can’t wait to hear from you!
The first 5 people will get to pick out a free sample of essential oil to enjoy with your treatment.




Bringing Home & Health Together: Sacred

According to Zelnik Panero, author of Environmental Psychology, “Most applications of human engineering have, in fact, been in the industrial and military sectors.  Unfortunately, the more mundane applications, such as those found in the design of the interior spaces within our homes, offices, health facilities, schools, etc., have been relatively ignored.  This is particularly ironic since much of the underlying philosophy of human engineering is based on the premise that everything is designed for people.  Where else can the concept of “designing from the man, out” make more sense than in the field of architecture and interior design?”

Frank Lloyd Wright knew that the way to a perfect interior design was to bring the outside in.  I think maybe with our bodies it is just the opposite; we should bring the inside out.  God made the water, trees, sky, and hills all the beauty that surrounds us.  God made us fully from our souls to our bodies and if we treat that well and bring it out into the world; we are fulfilling our ultimate purpose.

By designing for the physical, psychological and spiritual needs; increased health, productivity, happiness and general quality of life will be the end result.   When designing a home or lifestyle such as this, maintenance, sustainability, comfort and simplicity are the keys.  Spirituality, intellectual growth, fitness and socialization are keys to our health and because they are so important, should be built into our environment.

How do we build these things into our environment?  There are a few simple things we can do with little cost or extravagant expense depending on how we want to do it.

Sacred space – Someplace to retreat to for prayer and reflection.  This can be a corner with a comfortable chair that is quiet and out of the way or a room with a water feature for acoustical privacy, specialized lighting and a comfortable place to sit.  A dream space would be an interior spot that brings the exterior in through fenestration and it would include water, soothing colors and a soft place to sit.

Fitness space – We should not have to go to a gym to exercise our bodies.  We can create a full out gym with all the bells and whistles or again, all we need is enough room to move our bodies.   A dream fitness space would be similar to the sacred space listed above, only with smooth interiors lots of water for drinking and some favorite equipment.

Socialization – A real living room with no television so families are forced to interact and play together.  An ideal spot, for a family with small children, would be an area to sit down and work together on projects or schoolwork or play games.  This area should be in the middle of the house where everyone walks through to do almost anything.

In a perfect world, every home would have an entire library that encourages intellectual growth.  Beautiful books to choose from anytime you have an interest in something special, Internet access to Google anything you wonder about and a huge table and bench to spread it all out on and study.   This again could cost a fortune but could be accumulated slowly or it could be a small space with a little bookcase, table and chairs and a library card.

The kitchen is another blog entirely! Regardless of whether you cook warm meals at home or prepare raw masterpieces there are a billion ways to make a kitchen a place for joyful, healthful tasks and interaction!

May you have an amazing week filled with Light Love and Bright Blessings!
