Click each picture for more detailed deck information
- Angel Therapy
- ArchAngel Michael
- ArchAngel Oracle
- Ascended Masters
- Goddess Guidance
- Healing Cards
- Healing with the Angels
- Inner Child
- Life Purpose
- Medicine Woman
- Enchanted Tarot
- Goddess Oracle
- Herbal Tarot
Card Spreads
Guidance to address a single concern or challenge or for current spiritual insight.
Current Spread
A look at immediate past, current situation, and immediate future / outcome.
Healing Spread
Divine guidance on how to navigate what needs to be healed, how to heal it, and future outcome.
Looking Ahead Spread
What’s ahead? Cards will represent present, immediate future, and three months ahead.
Divine Guidance
Deeper understanding of what the Divine is wanting to communicate with you. Where you are in life today, what energy you are holding onto, what the Divine asks you to acknowledge, what guidance to follow, and what outcome to look forward.
Life Purpose
What you learned in the past, what you are currently learning, steps to take right now, how you can best help others, and your life purpose.
Messages from your Angels and Guides
Messages from your Spirit Guides. One of my favorites. You’ll receive messages from your angels, earth, master guide and past-lives, and your ancestors.
Medicine Wheel One-Year
Thirteen card spread. A card is drawn for each month with an overall card indicating the energy for the year. Can be done at any time throughout the year as each month has a certain position on the wheel.
Helpful Tips and Guidance…
- For guided oracle coaching calls I will take the 10 minutes prior to your session to ground in silence. I invite you to as well.
- Questions are great. You can ask about anything really. Common questions involve a current situation, relationships, challenges, work, life purpose, etc.
- Time doesn’t exist in the spirit world. Don’t ask for specific dates with the cards.
- The magic is in taking action with the guidance you receive. It doesn’t have to be BIG action. Small steps.
- You are sent a picture of your reading. This is important because each card holds many symbols. I will share what message and symbols I am seeing as I tune into you and your question, however, you may receive additional guidance by trusting the symbols (flowers, colors, gems, trees) that jump out to you. Trust what you see and ask how it’s here to help you.
- For live calls, bring a journal and pen to take notes.
- Remember, sometimes your plan and the Divine’s plan are different. This goes for time frames as well.