
The Impacts of Wasting Food

Food waste is a significant global issue with far-reaching consequences for the environment, economy, and society. The impacts of wasting food are multifaceted and encompass various aspects of our lives. Understanding these impacts is crucial in order to address the problem effectively and work towards sustainable solutions. In this essay, we will explore the impacts of wasting food, propose simple changes to reduce food waste at home, discuss the feasibility and importance of composting for everyone, and explore methods for teaching children sustainable food practices.

The impacts of wasting food:
When food is wasted, it not only results in the loss of valuable resources but also contributes to numerous negative consequences. Some key impacts of wasting food include:
a) Environmental impact: The production of food requires vast amounts of resources, such as water, land, energy, and labor. When food is wasted, all of these resources are essentially squandered. Additionally, the disposal of food waste in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Moreover, deforestation for agricultural purposes and the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides to meet food demand further degrade ecosystems and biodiversity.

b) Economic impact: Food waste has significant economic implications. Wasted food represents a loss of financial investment for farmers, retailers, and consumers. It also adds pressure on food prices and exacerbates global food insecurity, especially in regions where access to food is already limited. Efficient management of food resources can help reduce costs, enhance economic sustainability, and improve food security.

c) Social impact: The impacts of wasting food extend to society as well. Wasted food means that valuable resources are not reaching those who need it the most. Food waste exacerbates food inequality and contributes to social disparities. By reducing food waste, we can redirect surplus food to food banks and charitable organizations, ensuring that vulnerable populations have access to nutritious meals.

Simple changes to reduce food waste at home:
While addressing food waste requires collective action and systemic changes, individuals can make a significant impact by adopting simple changes in their daily lives. Here are three to four examples:
a) Meal planning: Planning meals in advance allows individuals to make accurate grocery lists, buy only what is necessary, and avoid impulsive purchases. By being mindful of portion sizes and utilizing leftovers effectively, individuals can minimize food waste.

b) Proper storage: Storing food correctly helps maintain its freshness and extends its shelf life. Understanding proper storage techniques, such as refrigerating perishable items, freezing excess food, and using airtight containers, can prevent spoilage and reduce waste.

c) Composting: Composting is an effective way to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil for gardening. By composting fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and other organic materials, individuals can divert waste from landfills and contribute to soil regeneration.

d) Donation: Rather than discarding surplus food, individuals can donate it to local food banks, shelters, or community organizations. This not only reduces waste but also helps alleviate food insecurity in the community.

Feasibility and importance of composting for everyone:
Composting is an environmentally friendly practice that can be beneficial for most individuals, but it may not be feasible or practical for everyone. Factors such as living arrangements, space constraints, and access to outdoor areas can limit the ability to compost effectively. However, for those who have the means and resources, composting can play a crucial role in reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices. Community composting initiatives can also be explored to provide composting solutions for individuals who cannot do it on their own.

Teaching children sustainable food practices:
Educating children about sustainable food practices is vital to cultivating a future generation that understands the importance of reducing waste and making environmentally conscious choices. Here are a few approaches:

a) Hands-on experiences: Engage children in gardening activities or encourage them to participate in community gardens. This hands-on experience helps them understand the process of growing food and fosters a connection to nature.

b) Cooking and meal preparation: Involve children in meal planning, cooking, and reducing food waste at home. Teach them about portion control, using leftovers creatively, and the value of not wasting food.

c) Education and awareness: Incorporate sustainability and food waste reduction into school curricula, promoting discussions, and organizing workshops to raise awareness among children. Teach them about the environmental impacts of food waste and the importance of making sustainable choices.

d) Lead by example: Children learn by observing their parents and guardians. Set an example by practicing sustainable food habits, such as composting, recycling, and mindful consumption. Explain the reasons behind these actions and encourage children to follow suit.

In conclusion, the impacts of wasting food are far-reaching and affect the environment, economy, and society. By implementing simple changes at home, such as meal planning, proper storage, composting, and donation, individuals can contribute to reducing food waste. While composting may not be feasible for everyone, it remains an important practice for those who can engage in it. Educating children about sustainable food practices through hands-on experiences, cooking, education, and leading by example is crucial in building a future generation that values and practices sustainable living. By addressing food waste at individual and collective levels, we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable food system.

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Kai & Amaritday


I have made it a rule to give every tooth of mine a chance, and when I eat, to chew every bite thirty-two times. To this rule I owe much of my success in life. -William Gladstone


When it comes to increased health, it’s not just what we eat but how we eat. Digestion actually begins in the mouth, where contact with our teeth and digestive enzymes in our saliva break down food. But these days most of us rush through the whole eating experience, barely acknowledging what we’re putting in our mouths. We eat while distracted—working, reading, talking and watching television—and swallow our food practically whole. On average we chew each bite only eight times. It’s no wonder that many people have digestive problems.


There are many great reasons to slow down and chew your food.

  • Saliva breaks down food into simple sugars, creating a sweet taste. The more we chew, the sweeter our food becomes, so we don’t crave those after-meal sweets.
  • Chewing reduces digestive distress and improves assimilation, allowing our bodies to absorb maximum nutrition from each bite of food.
  • More chewing produces more endorphins, the brain chemicals responsible for creating good feelings.
  • It’s also helpful for weight loss, because when we are chewing well, we are more apt to notice when we are full.
  • In fact, chewing can promote increased circulation, enhanced immunity, increased energy and endurance, as well as improve skin health and stabilize weight.
  • Taking time with a meal, beginning with chewing, allows for enjoyment of the whole experience of eating: the smells, flavors and textures. It helps us to give thanks, to show appreciation for the abundance in our lives and to develop patience and self-control.

The power of chewing is so great that there are stories of concentration camp survivors who, when others could not, made it through with very little food by chewing their meager rations up to 300 times per bite of food. For most of us 300 chews is a daunting and unrealistic goal. However, you can experience the benefits of chewing by increasing to 30 chews per bite. Try it and see how you feel.


Try eating without the TV, computer, Blackberry, newspaper or noisy company. Instead just pay attention to the food and to how you are breathing and chewing.


This kind of quiet can be disconcerting at first, since we are used to a steady stream of advertising, news, media, email and demands from others. But as you create a new habit, you will begin to appreciate eating without rushing. You have to eat every day—why not learn to savor and enjoy it?


Food Focus: Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), is a nutritional powerhouse with ancient origins. It was originally cultivated by the Incas more than 5,000 years ago; they referred to it as the “mother of all grains.” It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a great source of protein for vegetarians. Quinoa is also high in magnesium, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, riboflavin and zinc.


While quinoa is widely considered a grain, it’s actually the seed of a plant called Chenopodium or Goosefoot, related to chard and spinach. Quinoa is a gluten-free grain and has a similar effect as other whole grains in helping to stabilize blood sugar.

It has a waxy protective coating called saponin which can leave a bitter taste. For best results, rinse quinoa before you cook it or even soak it for a few hours or overnight. When cooked, it has a fluffy, slightly crunchy texture. Try it in soups, salads, as a breakfast porridge or as its own side dish.


For quinoa, and whole grains in general, the majority of digestion occurs in the mouth through chewing and exposure to saliva. For optimal nutrition and assimilation, it is vital to chew your grains well and with awareness. A great meditation is to find a calm place, without distractions, to sit down for your meal. Make it a habit to chew each bite 20 times or more. See how this simple practice can help your digestion and overall focus for the rest of your day.


Recipe of the Month: Quinoa Pilaf

Prep Time: 3 minutes

Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes

Yield: 4 servings



1 cup quinoa

2 1/4 cups water or stock

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/2 cup walnut pieces

1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

pinch of salt



  1. Rinse quinoa in fine mesh strainer until water runs clear.
  2. Boil the water and add quinoa and salt, cover and reduce heat.
  3. After 15 minutes add cranberries and walnuts to top; do not stir.
  4. Cook 5 minutes more, until all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Remove from heat, add parsley and fluff with fork, cover and let sit for 3-5 minutes and serve.


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Soul Food

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. – Rumi

Think for a moment of a food from your past, one that makes you feel great after you eat it for no specific reason. Maybe it is macaroni and cheese, slow-simmered tomato sauce, ice cream cones or potato pancakes. Eating comfort foods (every now and then) can be incredibly healing, even though your rational brain might not consider it highly nutritious.


Food has the power to impact us on a level deeper than just our physical well-being. What we eat can reconnect us to precious memories, like childhood playtimes, first dates, holidays, our grandmother’s cooking or our country of ancestry. Our bodies remember foods from the past on an emotional and cellular level. Eating this food connects us to our roots and has youthening and nurturing effects that go far beyond the food’s biochemical make-up.


Acknowledging what different foods mean to us is an important part of cultivating a good relationship with food. This month when we celebrate lovers and relationships, it’s important to notice that we each have a relationship with food—and that this relationship is often far from loving. Many of us restrict food, attempting to control our weight. We often abuse food, substituting it for emotional well-being. Others ignore food, swallowing it whole before we’ve even tasted it.


What would your life be like if you treated food and your body as you would treat your beloved – with gentleness, playfulness, communication, honesty, respect and love? The next time you eat your soul food, do so with awareness and without guilt, and enjoy all the healing and nourishment it brings you.


Food Focus: Beans

Beans, or legumes, including peas and lentils, are an excellent source of plant-based protein. Beans are found in most traditional cultures as a staple food, offering grounding and strengthening properties that enhance endurance. They offer a highly usable, highly absorbable source of calcium for the body. A very inexpensive source of high nutrition, beans can be rich, delicious and satisfying,


Lack of sexual energy is often due to overtaxed adrenal glands and kidneys. Beans are known for strengthening these organs (ever noticed the shape of a bean?) and can help restore vital energy as well as sexual energy.


Beans have a reputation for causing digestive distress, but this is usually because they have been undercooked or improperly prepared. To help reduce gas-forming properties, soak beans overnight prior to cooking, increase cooking time, add spices like bay leaf, oregano or cumin, or add kombu (a sea vegetable) when cooking.


Recipe of the Month: Easy Beans and Greens

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Yield: 2-3 servings



1 can black beans (or pinto, red, kidney—your choice)

1 bunch collard greens (or kale, spinach—your choice)

your favorite toppings, such as salsa, avocado or guacamole and sour cream



  1. In a medium saucepan, heat drained beans. Add your favorite seasonings, if desired.
  2. Fill a separate medium saucepan with 1-2 inches of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Wash and chop greens (you can use the stems, too) and add to boiling water.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes until greens are bright green and tender. Drain off water.
  5. On a plate, arrange a portion of the greens, top with a portion of the beans and finish with toppings of your choice.


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New Year, New You

True life is lived when tiny changes occur.-Leo Tolstoy


A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions.

We’ve all been there.

We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family.

We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits.

Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?


Here are some ways you can make your intentions a reality this year:


New habits start with you

  1. Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like taped to your bedroom mirror or the dashboard of your
  2. car.
  3. Get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut. Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s every night? Are you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work? If you don’t tackle the root of the behavior, it will be much harder to accomplish your goal.
  4. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action, and you will be more likely to stick with your plan.
  5. Share your resolutions with friends and family. Hold each other accountable for achieving your goals. If you want to go to the gym more, have a friend call you two or three times a week to check on you or invite them to join you.
  6. Reward yourself with every little accomplishment. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose 1 pound a week, pamper yourself with a massage.

Big changes do not require big leaps.

Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually than through one big restrictive plan.

Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

Happy New Year!


Food Focus: Sea Vegetables

In traditional Chinese healing, sea vegetables correspond to the winter season and to the kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder and reproductive organs. The strengthening, balancing and cleansing properties of sea vegetables are known to help these organs as well as the hair, skin and nails.

Sea vegetables (or seaweeds) provide a variety of minerals and vitamins, including calcium, iron and iodine, and can help balance hormone and thyroid levels in the body. Eating too many processed foods or foods grown in mineral-depleted soil can result in a lack of minerals in the body, leading to cravings for salty or sugary foods.

Adding sea vegetables to your diet can help balance your energy levels and alleviate cravings.


 Recipe of the Month: Mighty Miso Soup

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes

Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes

Yield: 4-5 servings



4-5 cups spring water

1-2 inch strip of wakame, rinsed and soaked 5 minutes

in 1 cup of water until softened

1-2 cups thinly sliced vegetables of your choice (see notes)

2-3 teaspoons barley miso

2 scallions, finely chopped


  1. Chop soaked wakame.
  2. Discard soaking water or use on houseplants for a boost of minerals.
  3. Place water and wakame in a soup pot and bring to a boil.
  4. Add root vegetables first and simmer gently for 5 minutes or until tender.
  5. Add leafy vegetables and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove about 1/2 cup of liquid from pot and dissolve miso into it. Return it to the pot.
  7. Reduce heat to very low; do not boil or simmer miso broth.
  8. Allow soup to cook 2-3 minutes.
  9. Garnish with scallions and serve.



Any combination of vegetables can be used in miso soup.

Here are some classic combinations:

  • onion-daikon: cleansing
  • onion-carrot-shiitake mushroom-kale: mildly sweet
  • onion-winter squash-cabbage: great in wintertime
  • leek-corn-broccoli: great in summertime



  • Add cooked grains at the start of making the soup. They will become nice and soft.
  • Add a tablespoon of uncooked quinoa or millet at the beginning and let it cook with vegetables for 20 minutes.
  • Add cubed tofu toward the end.
  • Add bean sprouts toward the end.
  • Season with 1/2 teaspoon ginger juice for an interesting twist.
  • If using dry shiitake mushrooms, let them soak for 20 minutes, slice and add at the beginning.


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Finding Balance

Is your life feeling out of balance?

No matter what we use as criteria when it comes to experiencing balance in our lives, we have certain needs that need to be filled throughout our lives and the more balanced our fulfillment of these needs, the smoother our boat will sail and the closer to balance we will get.

IIN calls it primary foods

Maslow called it a hierarchy of needs

Anthony Robbins called it a wheel

I call it a bliss.

Whatever we call it, it all comes down to balance.

If our life is not in balance then we are in trouble.

  • Self Actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, learning, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts)
  • Esteem (self esteem, confidence, respect)
  • Love and Belonging (friendship, family and intimacy)
  • Safety (security of body, health, family, property, employment, resources and morality)
  • Physiological (breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion)

Everyone can rank these in a different order of importance. At the same time, we may each rank them differently at different times in our lives. What is certain? If one of the above is lacking and another is over emphasized, then we are out of balance.

Anthony Robbins does an exercise with a wheel representing career, physical, spiritual and financial. We have to rank each by “how it is going.” Visually we are able to see, for example, that we are doing great financially and physically, but perhaps not spiritually or career-wise. If we are out of balance, our wheel will not roll.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition calls it “primary foods.” Outside our triangle of nutrition is a circle that consists of relationship, spirituality, career and physical activity.

The truth is, we can fix what we eat.  We can eat more greens and get rid of processed foods, but if we don’t take care of the other areas of our life, we will still not experience balanced health and happiness. You can be completely healthy with your diet yet still feel imbalanced.

To help you see the topics more clearly, take a look at the following basic needs and ways of fulfillment.

Self Actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, learning, lack of prejudice, an acceptance of facts)

Prayer, Thoughtfulness, Meditation






Esteem (self esteem, confidence, and respect)



Love and Belonging (friendship, family and intimacy)

Relationship building

Care giving



Safety (security of body, health, family, property, employment, resources and morality)

Environmental safety

Health & well being

Job Security

Career growth

Financial empowerment

Environmental preservation

Ethics and morality

Physiological (breathing, environmental, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion)

Clean air, meditation, breathing exercise

Environmental impact on health and well being through design (ex. bringing nature into the home, healthy light, smart space)


PH Balance


Losing weight

Better Digestion

Super foods

  1.       Acai
  2.       Algae
  3.       Aloe Vera
  4.       Bee Products
  5.       Cacao
  6.       Camu Camu Berry
  7.       Chlorella
  8.       Coconut
  9.       Goji Berries
  10.       Hempseed
  11.       Incan Berries
  12.       Kelp
  13.       Maca
  14.       Marine Phytoplankton
  15.       Noni
  16.       Yacon

Raw Nutrition

  1.       Juicing vs. Blending
  2.       Nuts and Seeds
  3.       Sprouts
  4.       Grasses
  5.       Seaweed
  6.       Roots
  7.       Mushrooms
  8.       Recipes

Exercise and Fitness

Water, the amount and cleanliness

Intimacy as a physical need

Amount and quality of sleep


Bodily function, sight, hearing, pain


Illness and healing

We will be adding to this and focusing on each topic as total wellness. 

Look forward to future blogs on each line item and broken down even further for more tips on how to improve the quality of our lives. 

If anyone has any categories they would add to each need, please comment below.

Mastering Your Time

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

-Mark Twain

Time Management 101

Have you ever wished for a few more hours in the day?

Why is it that some people seem to get everything done effortlessly and others feel that time constantly eludes them?

The secret to managing your time well isn’t working more hours.

It is about prioritizing the important things and learning to use the time you have more efficiently and effectively.

The secret is working smarter, not harder.

Some of us, by nature, organize and get tasks out of the way before we relax, while others of us play first and work later. It is important to first recognize which type you are and whether your style is allowing you to have the life you really want. Maybe you are super-organized at work, but burned out because you don’t know how to make time for yourself. Maybe you are naturally a less organized person who knows how to relax, but you are dissatisfied because you aren’t fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Rather than labeling yourself or beating yourself up, realize that time management is an area of your life that you can strengthen. Like a new muscle, it takes practice and repetition to make it stronger. To help you get started, here are some steps to streamline your days at work and at home. Try the first one or two that jump out at you:

  • Allocate time for planning and organizing.
  • Create to-do lists that are realistic, not intimidating. Use only one to-do list.
  • Under-schedule your time: Leave time for the unexpected and for interruptions. When you estimate how long something will take, add on a third of that time.
  • Schedule your time in a way that reduces interruptions that lower your productivity.
  • Practice the art of intelligent neglect: Eliminate trivial tasks.
  • Prioritize what is most important and do that first.
  • Consider your biological prime time: At what time of day do you work best? Plan to do your most important work at that time.
  • If you say yes to everything that comes your way, learn to say no.
  • Ask for help and delegate.
  • In the evening make your to-do list for the next day, so it will be out of your brain and on a piece of paper. Leave work with a clear head and a clean desk.
  • Acknowledge yourself daily for all that you have accomplished.

Also take a look at the two biggest hindrances to using time effectively: procrastinating and lacking purpose. We usually procrastinate when a task seems too daunting, too large or too complex, or when we feel we won’t be able to handle it. When you get that “deer in the headlights” feeling, try “chunking”: break the large task into smaller, manageable action steps and start with the first one. We also often drag our heels or use our time inefficiently because we are bored, un-engaged and uninspired. The most effective people will tell you that they love what they do and are aligned with a greater purpose.

When it comes to managing your time, you may need to ask the larger questions, “Am I doing what I love to do? Am I doing something meaningful to me?”

As you strengthen your new time management muscle, keep your focus on getting organized so that you can live the life you came here for. Instead of being a chore, good time management can be your ticket to more fun, greater satisfaction and a vibrant, exciting life.

Food Focus:

Root Vegetables

The roots of any plant are its anchor and foundation; they are the essential parts that support and nourish the plant. Root vegetables lend these properties to us when we eat them, making us feel physically and mentally grounded and rooted, increasing our stability, stamina and endurance. Roots are a rich source of nutritious complex carbohydrates, providing a steady source of necessary sugars to the body. Instead of upsetting blood sugar levels like refined sweet foods, they regulate them. Since they absorb, assimilate and supply plants with vital nutrients, roots likewise increase absorption and assimilation in our digestive tracts.

Long roots, like burdock, carrots, parsnips and daikon radish, are excellent blood purifiers and can help improve circulation in the body and increase mental clarity . Round roots, like turnips, radishes, beets and rutabagas, are nourishing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organs and can help regulate blood sugar and moods, and alleviate cravings.

Recipe of the Month:

Roasted Root Vegetables

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25-35 minutes

Yield: 4-6 servings


1 sweet potato

2 parsnips

2 carrots

2 turnips or 1 large rutabaga

1 red onion (if you like)

1 daikon radish (or substitute/add in your favorites, like squash)

olive oil

salt and pepper

herbs: rosemary, thyme or sage (fresh if possible)


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Wash and chop all vegetables into large bite-sized pieces.
  3. Place in a large baking dish with sides.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil; mix well to coat each vegetable lightly with oil.
  5. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs.
  6. Bake uncovered for 25-35 minutes until vegetables are tender and golden brown, checking every 10 minutes to stir and make sure veggies are not sticking.

Note: Any combination of vegetables will work.

Roasting only one kind of vegetable also makes a nice side dish.


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 Much Love




Putting 2017 to bed….

Buenas Noches Bright Shining Beautiful Souls!

It has been quite sometime since I eked anything out…. 6 months to be exact. 2017 has brought me many many lessons. Some I am still working on, some I learned very well & others well just WOW!

I am so grateful for breathing, my husband, the life & family we share, the life I am able to have, my family & friends(the people that make life bearable wonderful & crazy,all at once) & the amazing connections & opportunities that are coming into my life daily. My heart is just absolutely overflowing with the gift of love & guidance that is surrounding me!

First lesson ~ I am a scribe but somewhere I made some vow that I wouldn’t speak or write me truth. I haven’t for a very long time not til now… I give myself permission to write or speak on what I want, when I want & how I want, whenever I feel like, without fear.

I believe we all possess beautiful gifts that we think people won’t approve of.. As humans we have a basic primal need for love acceptance & approval. So we hide who we are to make others feel better, dim our own radiance so other can feel bright. I am a Goddess Scribe, an Energetic Intuitive & Wholistic Women’s Wellness Advocate. I want to help women live the best beautiful life they can, showing them how to manifest the resources they need to live the life they dream of!

I have been dimming my light for way to long. I believe in LOVE above all else! I believe in happily ever after, where ever that may be for you. Regardless of who you are with, YOU & only YOU have to put in the work so that your dreams can come true. My inner child is in there screaming to get out…. To have fun, to play, to laugh & to remember my divinity & all of my mastery. I don’t feel like I ever had any dreams, almost like I have been a grown up forever. I am done worrying! I give myself permission to dream, live joyously & play.

Second Lesson ~ There is nothing more I can learn right now. I have all the tools I need to do a fantastic job. Why do we stall? For fear of not being good enough, wanting people to to believe in us & wanting people not to leave us. The reality is I don’t need anyone to believe in me… I need to believe in myself because at the end of the day, I am the only one who give a hoot about my dreams & desires. Only my passion fuels my fire. By the grace of Goddess, I am surrounded by people who are just as passionate as I am about life frequency healing & loving the life we have in connection.

Third Lesson ~ We are all connected… I have an individual path that I must lead for my soul purpose but I am surrounded by soul bodies(family, friends, acquaintances) who are with me through many life experiences, to teach me, help me, guide me, & sometimes Yes, even hurt me, so I can fully learn & grow from the experience.

What happens to me happens to you & vice versa even though we will experience it differently. Learning a needed & valuable lesson is integral to growth but we must make sure we learn the right lesson. To open to love not close down when we have a negative experience. This where we learn the difference between judgment & discernment.. We want to be discerning not judgmental.

We can be loving compassionate & have mercy but when things become a detriment to our well being , increased suffering , & loss, then its time to reevaluate how we live our life & what may be a better course of action going forth. I can love someone with all I have but when they don’t respect my boundaries, I give myself permission to love them from a distance & not feel guilty.

Fourth & Final Lesson ~ LOVE LOVE LOVE Yourself!!!!! You will never find love if you are dissatisfied with yourself. If you have no love for yourself, refuse to see yourself as perfect, no one else will either. God made me, with special gifts, unique unto me & me only & I will never be like anyone else. I was made with a very special purpose, made in her image & I am perfect as I am.

This year has brought me many, many lessons. I am thankful for all of them. My heart is so open to love & the divine that is in everyone of us. Healing the wounds of the past, so that this is the most joyous year yet! Knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, working on my life purpose, learning what I needed to learn & bringing it to the word & world in perfect time!

Yes, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, 2017 has been a blessing & I AM so very Blessed!



Seasonal Whole Food Program


Welcome to Sacred Body Reboot  Seasonal Whole Food  Program

Revitalize, Reboot + Glow in 11 Simple Days


This 11-Day Program is going to change your life forever:

You will improve your digestion, boost your immune system and lose weight in a safe and effective way.

  • Are you ready to recharge?

  • Are you ready to shed excess weight?

  • Are you ready to boost your Immune System?

  • Are you ready to kick sugar cravings, food intolerance and fatigue to the curb?

  • Are you ready to ditch the diets, stop counting calories and reboot your metabolism?

This is your opportunity to revitalize, reboot and re”PH”resh

your system in 11 simple and delicious days.




“Sacred Eating gave me my life back..It seemed like no matter what choices i made towards health I just become more ill, with more symptoms and prescriptions…I realized I was sacred and deserved the best and once the way was paved and explained, things started to make sense!I am forever grateful to this program and the difference it has made for me!”

~ TM, Visionary – Georgia

Why is it essential to eat clean and sacred according to the seasons?

Our bodies go through shifts during every season.
It is important to eliminate built-up toxins so your body releases the old that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts or suppressing your immune system.
Seasonal Sacred Eating allows the body to shift gradually into eating foods that are designed to be eaten during the current season. Foods you craved and ate during the summer may be counter-productive during the fall season and what you crave in fall may be non-immune supporting in winter, etc.

In this 11 Day program, you will not only learn the tools you need to support your metabolism through the changing season, but you will renew your cells and begin glowing from the inside out as you dive into chef-created meals that are designed to have you feeling vibrant and alive and not bogged down.


This is a guided 11-Day whole food eating program 

based solely on eating only real food.


You will prepare your body for the upcoming winter months.

This means fewer colds, less internal inflammation, and more consistent elimination for proper detoxification.

Safe and effective cleansing should support your body naturally to reboot, recharge, and unclog your organs.


Why is this Whole Food Program Different?

You will learn how to prepare, prep, and create delicious meals that will support you to transition in a safe and natural way. Preparing and releasing impurities is not about drinking juices, only eating smoothies, or living on the water. Instead, this 3-prong program is based on the elimination diet. By doing this program, you will learn what foods are beneficial to eat during the year and how to incorporate what you have learned throughout your life.

This program is for you if you have been experiencing the following:

  • Headaches

  • Mood swings

  • Low energy

  • Indigestion

  • Constipation

  • Excess weight

  • Food allergies

  • Insomnia

  • Skin conditions like acne & eczema

“I have multiple diagnosis, Where to begin, Do you have all night? Someone who loves me very much gave me this program as a gift.
I didn’t know if it would work or not. What did I have to lose? Nothing could be worse than the hell I was already living. So glad that I got out of my comfort zone and foods… learned something that made true change a reality for me! I was challenged to make changes that put myself and well-being first! What a light bulb moment, to realize I wasn’t putting self first and making good choices, then to feel the difference, I had more energy but I learned to honor myself when I was wiped out too.
In Gratitude to finding the Sacred In me through my food and my relationship with it.

~ KS, WAHM – Georgia

Did you know?

The body can carry around 5 to 10 pounds of toxic waste, which slows down metabolism, impairs your immune system and leaves you feeling tired and sluggish.

“Toxins from food and the environment can make you fat. Toxins may come in the form of medication, bacteria, industrial chemicals, and heavy metals, such as mercury. These pollutants can damage or block the signals that control your appetite. You can detoxify your body with the right balance of protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in plant foods.” ~ Dr. Mark Hyman 



During this 11-Day Program you will:

  • Improve the quality of your skin

  • Reduce the toxic load that leads to poor digestion, dry skin and colds to name a few

  • Improve your digestion and your nutrient assimilation

  • Reduce gas and bloating

  • Feel more confident in your every day

  • Sleep like a baby

  • Uncover hidden food allergies that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts

  • Ditch the diet mentality and learn what foods are “right for your unique body”

  • Reveal an internal glow as you revitalize your body and release toxins that are wreaking havoc on you physically and emotionally

Will I be hungry?
The recipes you will be eating during this 11-Day Program are designed for you to feel satisfied, nourished and prepare your body naturally to move through the seasons.


Decide to Revitalize Your Body and Restore your Vitality TODAY!


Program Choice

What’s Included In the Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program?

  1. Your Sacred Body Reboot Guide for Sacred Eating
: A step-by-step guide showing you exactly how to detox in a safe and natural way.

  2. A Recipe Guide: You will have recipes that are created by a chef who understands the importance of improving digestion, decreasing inflammation and keeping you satisfied.

  3. Daily Email Support 
You will receive daily emails from me supporting you through this entire process.

  4. 11 Days of Suggested Meals: You will never feel deprived, hungry or confused about what to eat or when to eat.

  5. A Tool Kit: This kit has every tool you need to make your Sacred Eating Whole Food Program success last a lifetime.

  6. A Shopping List: This will make shopping super easy, which makes prepping, preparing and cooking for your detox easy.

  7. And BONUSES Galore!!!!!!!!

 Plus a BONUS 30-Minute Post-Revitalize Your Body Discovery Session!

Bonus Details:
You get a 30-minute post Revitalize Your Body discovery session with me to make your success last for a life-time.

The Results you will experience:

  • Lose 3-5 pounds in a week

  • Ditch the Diet mentality, kiss goodbye to the cravings and bloat

  • Endless energy

  • Mental clarity and not the “brain fog”

  • Learn simple techniques to lighten the toxic burden on our bodies and clean eating principles that you can use for a lifetime no matter where you are, in time space or location 😉

Your Investment is only: $127~
that’s just $11 a day to a HEALTHY HOLISTIC SACRED YOU!

Next Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program begins on:
June 1, 2020 


 Will I feel tired?


You may experience feeling tired the first few days as you remove foods that are wreaking havoc on your system unknowingly but many people experience feeling more alert, more focused and report having weight loss even in the first few days of Eating Sacred.


“Learning that -When you are eating superfoods, which are nutrient dense powerhouses, makes it easy to feel fulfilled on less food and have more energy.
You can really see why its so hard to lose weight with all the enormous portions loaded with harmful fats salts and sugars.” ~ RR, Administrative Assistant – New York

Next Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program begins on:

June 1, 2020 

Kick-off call: June 1, 2020 at 7:30PM
(Signup *TODAY* to get your free eBook, call in and program details)

P.S. Do not worry if you cannot make the live call, it is recorded but I hope you can make it.


Revitalize, Reboot, Re”PH”resh your Body in 11 Simple Days

Give yourself the gift of health and wellness this year

I am Ready.

Where do I sign up?

Program Choice

I look forward to seeing you!



Local CSA & Farm Tours






Please check back for 2019-20 Tour Dates 🙂


Currently, Sacred Connection Health & Life Arts does not have any CSA/Farm Tour Dates scheduled.

If you would like to schedule a 1:1 or group tour please contact me to secure your date

We look forward to having you with us!


Please feel free to check out the local Farms

we support on My Community Page.



Local Co-op Guidance

Feel confused and overwhelmed or just want to know a bit more to feel comfortable in a Natural Food Co-Op?


Join in on an interactive 90 minute tour of the Co-Op and find out how things are laid out and why they are the way they are.

Discover ways to shop smart and save money as well.


**You will receive a Resource Folder to keep and help you on your future journey and things to help you and take notes to remember.


Upcoming Co-Op Tours

No Group Tour Dates Scheduled at this time.

If you would like to schedule a 1:1 or group tour please contact me to secure your date.


The Tour Guidance Session Consultation is $25 per person.

*MAX 6 Participants*

Please RSVP by emailing me at


Feel free to text or call me at 978-480-0773 for more information or inquire how we may accommodate you best.


Sacred Co-Op Guidance

Grocery Store Guidance

Feel confused and overwhelmed or just want to know a bit more to feel comfortable in the store finding and selecting REAL FOOD without breaking the bank?
Learn the difference between conventional vs organic & why it matters and to:
*Navigate your local health food or grocery store
*Shop on a budget
*Read & understand an ingredient label
*Select the best meat, fish & poultry
Join in on an interactive 90 minute guidance session in the Grocery Store and have all of your questions answered to turn your next shopping trip into a welcomed adventure where you feel safe. With time for Q&A throughout the tour.
**You will receive a REAL FOOD Resource Folder to help with visuals for you on your future journey in Wellness to take notes during the experience as well.**

If you would like to schedule a 1:1 or group tour please contact me to secure your date.


The Grocery Store Guidance Session is $25 per person.

*MAX 6 Participants per Guidance Session*

Please RSVP by emailing me at


Feel free to text or call me at 978-480-0773 for more information or inquire how we may accommodate you best.

Children under 12 are not able to join the Group experience due to the amount of information shared and the needed attention from the group to learn during the Guidance Session. 
The Next Tour Date is: TBA


Sacred Grocery Store Guidance


3 Day Refresh


What do you want to achieve in 3 days?
Do you want more energy?

To feel more like yourself again?
More like the happy, confident, fundamentally healthy person you know you can be?

A little ice cream here…
an extra slice of pizza there…
and before you know it, your jeans are too tight and you need a quick way to lose a few pounds and get back on track. Or maybe you’re just finally ready to start a new weight loss program, and you want to jump into it with total commitment…


Specially formulated shakes for 3-day results. Easy-to-prepare “clean” meals DESIGNED to help you lose a few pounds and never feel deprived.


Get a visibly flatter tummy.
Feel light and energized.
Your clothes will fit better.
3 days to FEEL GREAT, and to feel great about WHAT YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED.

IT’S JUST 3 DAYS, so we keep it simple. 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus 3 small meals and fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.


Packed with potent superfoods, Shakeology starts each of your days on the Refresh with Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition® to help improve and support all your body’s vital functions, while also helping to maximize energy and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.* Available in your choice of 6 flavors, including
recommended vegan options.

This patent-pending, delicious, and protein-rich formula helps curb your hunger with more than 20 grams of wholesome plant-based protein, 22 essential vitamins and minerals, probiotics for digestive health, and a patented potato protein extract clinically tested to satisfy your appetite.*

Gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system with its patent-pending blend of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks. As part of a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, Fiber Sweep can help lower cholesterol, support healthy blood sugar levels, and may even reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.*


9 easy-to-fix, healthy, and delicious recipes for lunch and dinner, each one packed with rich flavor that even veggie-haters will love. Then treat yourself to Refresh-friendly snacks to add a little tasty variety to every day.

WHAT IF YOU’D LIKE TO LOSE MORE THAN A FEW POUNDS? Do the 3-Day Refresh once a month to lose more weight, and make longer-lasting changes in the way you feel!

With the purchase of the 3 Day REFRESH Challenge Pack (pictured below) you will also be included in a 30 Day Clean Eating Support Group for FREE ($60.00 value).


Join the Clean Eating Support Group and join others while you are learning from Mindful Wellness how to successfully change your lifestyle for life with support every step of the way. The Support Group begins the 1st of every month in a private FB Group and you will receive:

3 Weeks of Clean Eating Meal Plans: Weekly Plant-Based, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Family-Friendly meals designed with the busy on-a-budget family in mind. I have provided weekly meal matrix and included the recipes with a detailed shopping list for each week.
Guidance and Interactive Worksheets how to make any recipe into a Clean Recipe.
You can begin to learn how to make Clean Eating Easy Eating.
Learn about tools and tips and tricks in the Kitchen to help you navigate Mindfully.
Receive daily support, inspiration and motivation from your fellow Clean Eating Participants.




Health Coaching Programs

Have you ever received good advice that you were unable to follow? Has your doctor ever recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable? Have you ever wanted something in your life, but found you couldn’t achieve it alone?

Health Coaches are knowledgeable advisors who provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness. As your Health Coach, I will listen carefully and help you to navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to determine what changes are necessary for you.

Your personalized program will radically improve your health and happiness. Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

As a client of my health coaching program, you will…

  • set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
  • work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
  • understand and reduce your cravings
  • increase your energy levels
  • feel great in your body
  • learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them
  • improve your personal relationships
  • discover the confidence to create the life you want

Your program includes…

  • two 50-minute sessions per month
  • e-mail support between sessions
  • recipes that are healthy and simple to prepare
  • coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want
  • simple but informative handouts that will increase your nutrition knowledge
  • access to my monthly newsletter with the latest health tips and recipes
  • my personal commitment to your health and success

To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me.  During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals.

My #1 Surefire Health Tip for Saving Money, Time & your Sanity



keep calm love monGreetings & salutations, Mon Ami’s! So glad you are reading my post today!

As I prepare to put my 2014 to rest with the help of a few tools that make life planning easier. I have come to realize as I get older using my time more effectively will result in being less stressed, more organized, and I will have more time to do the activities I love. I also learned that in order to have the life I love I will have to use each moment as fully as I can starting with the minute I open my eyes each day. I am planning for my life on a daily, weekly, monthly & yearly basis. When you plan you can manifest more because your dreams are truly the fuel for your life’s reality.

How will I honor myself today?
How will I give myself the space I need to get my soul work done?
How will I use my resources effectively(time, money, connections, locations) to accomplish my daily tasks and grow my dream to fruition?

Currently, I am sitting with my 2015 calendar and putting into it the activities, teaching, events and excursions that are in my heart for my sojourn on this planet as well as, my soul’s mission.

I want to talk about Sunday. This is the most important day of my week 🙂
This is the day that I rest, nourish, and revitalize my mind, body, and spirit. It sets the tone for the entire week ahead! Sunday is my day to unplug, check in with myself, set my goals and TA-DA’s(my spin on to-dos) for the week, schedule my loving movement(exercise) times, catch up with loved ones, cue up my own personal DJ 😉 and get cooking!

The only “work” I do on Sunday is to prepare my food for the week. I start by getting everything prepped, seasoned and portioned out for the week. My family is blended so we have my stepson form Sunday-Wednesday so I am a BIG fan of Cook Once, Eat Multiple Times. If I am feeling ambitious then I might, cook 3 meal so I really won’t have to cook again until Thursday where I will cook the next 3 meals but all my supplies are already ready and it is a grab & go. Whether its a pre-cooked meal to put in the oven or on the stove to heat up or grab some baggies of portioned out fruits, veggies, protein and cook it, I am ahead of the game exponentially. This method helps me to make sure I have excellent breakfast, lunch, and dinner options helping me TO EAT FOR ENERGY, less cleanup and more quality time with my loved ones.

Today’s Takeaway:
Make it a PRIORITY to learn how to prep your food properly each week. You will not only save time, money, and feel exquisitely productive but you will also stay fit and have more energy.

**Remember to check back regularly for our monthly events or even better sign up for our newsletter (you’ll get a free report on Lavender essential oil) so you will never miss all the luscious tips, tricks, and resources coming your way in 2015!**

**If you feel you need more personalized guidance, I offer different programs to fit you needs, lifestyle, and budget.**

**What are your favorite “Cook Once, Eat Multiple Times” Meals? Tweet them to @Amaritday and I will feature your recipes!**

** If you haven’t signed up yet click here or on the pic**

21 Day Healthy Holiday

P.S.S. No matter what life through at you, Remember Your Smile is your best curve, so FLAUNT it 🙂
My love to you all always and to the best year yet!

Feel free to comment below with any feedback questions or suggestions!

Bright Blessing, Beloveds!
Looking forward to Sharing a Heartfelt and Amazingly Abundant 2015 with you all!

