
Gluten Free Holiday Taste!

Trying something new isn’t always easy but trying a new recipe will be
fun and educational with this fabulous free holiday guide.
WOW your friends and family over the holiday season with some
new healthy recipes that will save you time money and make you look
like you worked really hard all day in the kitchen 😉

Feel free to ask me any questions you might have in regards
to beauty, health, wellness, spirituality, and nutrition!



Ama’ritday *HAS* a Remedy

Small Changes, Big Life

Learning simple new ideas and techniques can make a world of difference in the kitchen especially for your health. The action of cooking with love, positive energy and intention behind what you eat is super important. So really understanding how sacred the act of cooking and nourishing yourself is and why it is imperative to your well-being and optimal health.

As a Certified Health Coach I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Through this blog I hope to give readers an opportunity to learn new ways of being in the kitchen, finding and trying recipes that wont intimidate the beginning cooklet, as well as, tips, tricks, freebies and recipes that are helpful, healthful, holy and holistic.
I believe that food is medicine and we can find a better way to nourish our minds bodies and spirits.
Make sure you click the pic or this link to get your free book 🙂

 From my heart to yours, Namaste!

Hello 2013 ~ New Year New You, Alright!

My New Year is shaping up to be amazing! I have so much to be grateful for and so many beautiful possibilities on the horizon. However getting focused and clear about what is important this year is so important. I know I can use all the help I can get 😉

Just because New Years Day has come and gone doesn’t mean you can’t set a few goal to get you back on track for a more authentic healthful fulfilled 2013. Isn’t it amazing how we seem to make resolutions each and every year but have such a tough time making them stick.

Check out this definitive guide which will provide a few tips to get you going in the right direction! Simple yet effective tips for a stellar year!

YOU can also check out MY WEBSITE and sign up for a free, one-on-one, 50-minute health consultation or grab your free book, Integrative Nutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health & Happiness.

I look forward to sharing all that I learn along the way with you all. Have a very blessed day! Wishing you all a most fantastical 2013!

Abrazos, Bendiciones Y Besos (hugs blessings & kisses)!

Fall Time Health

Thank God it’s Friday!

I AM so blessed to be on this healthful journey and am tremendously pleased to be sharing it with you!

I pray that you have something extra super duper fantasmo lined up for this weekend and if not let’s get something extra special going for you!

Make this weekend the perfect time to make you the superstar of the show!

Check out this amazing fall detox guide to get the system working all sparkly and bright!

Get rid of what is no longer serving you and just absolutely insults your soul!

Say Hello to fall and welcome the new you that comes with putting yourself first and engaging in self care!

Remember FOOD is MEDICINE!


Find out what food can do for you by contacting me for an a COMPLIMENTARY Health Coaching Session!

Mucho Amor y Luz(Much Love and Light)

OMG OMG! I Did It! I Really Did It!

I did it. I enrolled in The institute of Integrative Nutrition so I can learn about myself, my health and the life I truly want to live. On this learning journey, I will share all I AM learning at school. My intention is to be a Board Certified Health Coach and provide a circle of loving, nourishing grace that fosters spiritual healing of pain, discomfort, and the abuses of life.

Getting well has been the focus of my life for over 5 years now. Learning how and what to eat as well as what not to eat. I refuse to let the healthcare system use me as a guinea pig. I know my body best, so I plan on learning from the very best in the business of preventive medicine, teaching the best information available!

For those of you who don’t know me I AM Currently I am Certified Biblical Nutrition Coach, as well as a Licensed Master Aesthetician. I graduated a live out apprentice with Susun Weed, world renowned master herbalist, Wolf Clan member, keeper of the wise woman tradition. I am also a motivational speaker and public speaker regarding Organics and GMO foods and the importance of navigating the terrain when shopping cooking in and eating out.

 My Luna Vision is to invite woman (men too!), at any stage of their life, maiden, mother, crone (Young Man, Father, Elder), to nourish empower and care for themselves, preparing their body, mind and spirit, in the best possible way, using the wise women tradition of thinking and healing to best deal with aging, bodily changes, mental distress, and the pollution of our ever changing planet.

I support women(men too!) dealing with “Healthy Life” challenges to change their lifestyle choices to increase overall health, nourishment, well being and empowerment. I help women(men too!) become the miracle they were intended to be, a prosperous, radiant, and discerning being, using a holistic approach to life, women will embrace themselves as they are-healthy, whole and holy.

By teaching women(men too!), to nourish empower & care for themselves, using the gifts provided to us by mother nature, such as, nourishing local organic foods, luxurious, revitalizing organic skin care products, & professionally chosen energetic skin/body care treatments, as well as, Affirmations, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Herbal Tincture and Infusions, Flower essences, Gem Elixirs, specifically chosen, synergistically combined, helping women(men too!), to feel nourished & empowered  by using self care to feel healthy whole & holy from the inside out.

 Why the World Needs Health Coaches (video)

  I need 3 volunteers to do a Health Histories with, as part of my graduation requirements. If you are interested, You can email me at or visit my website

2012 A New Start!

I just love the new year don’t you? Time to try something different better or all together! I really wanted to get clear on what I needed to do in 2012 and I came across a fantastical little gem of a planner called 2012 Creating Your Goddess Year

It really helps set the stage for a dreamy fun amazing year ahead, helps you to put 2011 in perspective, let go of the things that didn’t work and get clarity for your different life goals in this new bright shiny much anticipated year of 2012!!

The 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year yet. Over the last three years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year more inspiring than ever.

It’s filled with over 100 pages of worksheets & a printable calendar to help you dream, manifest, set your intentions, plan & cultivate your amazing new year. The workbook has been lovingly handwritten & rainbow illustrated… perfect for you to print out, soak up the rainbow colours of & get thoroughly inspired by!

You’ll get clarity on what you need 2012 to be. What you want to create during it. And most importantly, how to make it happen.



Out With Old In With The New!

The 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year yet. Over the last three years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year more inspiring than ever.

It’s filled with over 100 pages of worksheets & a printable calendar to help you dream, manifest, set your intentions, plan & cultivate your amazing new year. The workbook has been lovingly handwritten & rainbow illustrated for you to print out, soak up the rainbow colors of & get thoroughly inspired by!

You’ll get clarity on what you need 2012 to be. What you want to create during it. And most importantly, how to make it happen.

Feel the energy of Stinging Nettle

Looking for Energy? Get Down with Nettle
by Susun Weed

If you’re looking for energy, you’re looking for nettle. Nettle has so much energy she stings! If you consume nettle regularly – as infusion, vinegar, or soup – she’ll soup up your energy and infuse you with “the stamina of a teenager,” as one nettle devotee put it. Nettle energy is even and steady, consistent and constant. Nettle is the energy of the Earth; it is grounded and loving.

Nettle is the only energizing herb I know of that also promotes sound sleep. Nettle increases energy without increasing blood sugar, so sleep is deeper and more refreshing. With nettle-energy in the adrenals, menopausal women wake less often and feel more rested in the morning. Nettle never leaves one feels jittery or groggy.

Nettle builds energy by nourishing deeply. Nettle is a rich storehouse of needed nutrients. Its protein, vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting phytochemicals recharge exhausted adrenals, rebuild flagging kidneys, and restore flexibility to the blood vessels. Herbalist EE Shook comments that nettle combats inflammation with iron phosphate, feeds the brain and nerves with potassium phosphate, and prevents blood clots with potassium chloride.

Nettle leaf is known to tonify and strengthen the intestines and lungs too. It is a safe diuretic and does not disturb electrolyte balance while relieving edema. It is completely safe for use during pregnancy and lactation, improving the health of mother and child and enriching the milk. Nettle tea and capsules of nettle have little effect and less nutrition. Freeze-dried nettle is effective at relieving allergic symptoms, but has little nutritive value. Nettle infusion is the most effective form; the dose is 4-12 cups a week.

Join Susun for a one hour teleseminar today June 12 – 3pm EST $25 – listen live or replay later
Learn how to use nourishing herbal infusions, mineral rich vinegars, simple tinctures, and high quality foods to supercharge your life and give you endless energy. Susun will share with you her favorite ways of resisting acute problems, outwitting chronic problems, and staying flexibly strong for a long time. If you don’t already love Nettles, Oat straw, Comfrey, Linden, Hypericum, Hawthorne, Mint family, Seaweeds, Medicinal Mushrooms, animal fats, and yogurt, you will by the end of this teleseminar. Register here

Using Nettle Seeds and Roots
by Susun Weed

Nettle’s dark green leaves nourish health, increase energy, and cure allergies. But did you know nettle’s roots and seeds are medicinal too.

Nettle seeds nourish the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid. They are said to antidote poisons, but I love them most for their high-protein crunch. The daily dose of ¼ teaspoonful can be added to hot or cold cereals, baked into breads and cookies, sprinkled on salads, or cooked with any whole grain. Add a tablespoonful of nettle seed to a cup of uncooked brown rice and cook in two cups of water for 45 minutes or until done. Nettle seeds are easily harvested too. Cut the stalks down before wind and rain strip them off the stalks. Hang to dry.

Nettle roots are gaining in popularity as an ally for men with prostate problems. They may be tinctured; the dose is up to 4 dropperfuls a day. Or they may be infused, one ounce in a quart of boiling water, steeped for four hours; the dose is up to a cup a day. Nettle root is also a strengthener to the urinary system and helps quell bleeding from the kidneys or bladder. It reduces and relieves prostatitis and benign prostate hypertrophy.

Nettle root tincture or infusion rubbed on the scalp thickens thin hair, eliminates dandruff, counters scalp infections, preserves hair during chemotherapy, and helps women who’ve lost hair during pregnancy or menopause.

Nettle root tincture preserves the immune system during times of great stress. It is a wonderful ally for those with chronic infections as well as those who are routinely exposed to environmental toxins. Start with a small dose of 5-10 drops three times a day; gradually increase to a dropperful several times a day. Overdoses may cause hallucinations.

Study with Susun via correspondence course (mail and telephone) in the comfort of your own home – choose from four courses tailored to your personal goals.
Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock, NY 12498

This entry was posted on June 12, 2011, in Coaching.

Finding Balance

In these days of hyper scheduling trying to get it all done & there aren’t enough hours in the day & at the end of it all I find myself wiped out. I am up at 7a & I am going til midnight some times. I need to cut that out! I need more rest & time for me not mom, aesthetician, housekeeper,laundress, chauffeur,wife, general do all girl! So starting tonight ~ new moon by the way ~ I am doing some things for myself! Like, you might ask?

* I am done “working” by 9p
* I am in bed relaxing by 10p
* I am doing my am/pm yoga
* I am beginning my exercise routine
* I am taking my classes (ballroom dancing, Belly Dancing, glass blowing,Goddess)
* I am listening more, even if it makes no sense
* I am more compassionate ~ not every one gets & sometimes neither do I
* I am courageous & unshakable ~ God’s Got This
* I am open to new things & go with the flow
* I am Love & Love is me
* Honor Thy Self

And on that note off to go wash my face with my awesome handmade products so I can make my 10 pm deadline lol! God bless you all!


Self Care Without The Guilt!

by Courtney Long

“Why should I take care of myself? I thought I was supposed to put everyone else’s needs first. And isn’t self-care selfish?”

Self-care is an often misunderstood concept. Taking care of yourself does not mean neglecting everyone else in your life. And BIG NEWS-self-care has nothing to do with being selfish or a “bad” person. Self-care is as essential to life as breathing.

Before I continue, let me clarify how I define self-care. Self-care involves addressing your own basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, sleep, money to live on, etc. It also involves addressing some of your higher needs such as health, love, sense of belonging, etc. Self-care even involves addressing your wants and passions, including hobbies and the activities that make your heart sing and truly bring you joy. It means being nice to yourself. Treating yourself with love and respect. For some people-particularly those in caregiving roles or with demanding schedules-finding 15 minutes a day of peace and quiet to themselves is a loving act of self-care.

Simply stated, self-care involves whatever it takes to make you feel energized, happy, balanced and at ease in this world. For me, self-care involves getting a really good night’s rest…Eating nutritious, energizing foods…Getting in some movement, because my body loves to move….Filling my life with positive people….Having time daily for spirituality…Having fun by dancing, listening to great music, hiking in the mountains, being in the beauty of nature…It also means thinking positive thoughts and talking kindly to myself…which also means that when my inner critic shows up, I get to gently tell her she has the rest of the day off…

Whatever self-care means to you, it is IMPORTANT. Not just important, but VITAL. Vital to your well-being, your enjoyment of life, and your SURVIVAL! If you do not take care of yourself, you will not survive. If you do not feed yourself-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually-you will starve to death. Lack of self-care leads to a great deal of stress for our minds, bodies and spirits. And unfortunately, a majority of chronic and acute illnesses are linked to high levels of stress. In some ways, neglecting your own self-care is like slowly-or even quickly-ending your life.

Why else might you want to take good care of yourself? Well, if you are a caring person and responsible for the care of family members or others…you cannot give what you don’t have. If you are not healthy, energized and balanced yourself, how can you possibly expect to tend to someone else’s healthy, energy and happiness? If you give, and give and give, and never receive-from others or from yourself-you are left with nothing. Completely void, without anything left to give. I am sure many of you can relate to how that void feels-in your body, mind, and spirit.

My favorite analogy here is a bucket. If your bucket is empty, you have nothing left to give. The more full your bucket, the more you have to give. Life is a constant process of pouring from your bucket, and refilling-giving and receiving. How do you refill your bucket? With self-care, self-love, self-nurturing…by doing all those things that bring you balance and joy. Self-care is the supply of water that will fill your bucket and allow you to continue giving and loving.

I am not suggesting that you engage in so much self-care that you forget everyone else. That would not be good either. I am suggesting a good balance of self-care and care for others.

And one final thought…Self-care is NOT selfish. It is self-preserving. It makes your life flow a LOT smoother. The happier and more balanced you are, the happier and more balanced others around you can be. Taking good care of yourself is actually the most loving thing you can do for others.

So there you have it! 100% certified, bona fide PERMISSION to take good care of YOU. Should anyone try to give you a guilt trip, have them read this article-or send them to me.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave me a comment or e-mail me at!

About the Author:
Courtney Long, MSW, LC, CHt is a Transformational Life Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist, trained at the award winning Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ. She obtained her Masters Degree in Social Work and Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. She is based in Phoenix, AZ yet serves clients worldwide. Courtney’s company, Caring for Your Spirit, LLC supports and inspires caring adults to love and nurture themselves. With compassion and an uplifting, refreshing perspective, Courtney teaches caring adults the importance of self-care, provides vital self-care tools, and empowers her clients to live the fulfilling life of balance, health, happiness and energy that they deserve. Courtney draws on her experience as a Wellness Coach in a corporate setting and as a Geriatric Social Worker for Adult Day Health Centers. Courtney has created & facilitated empowering caregiver support groups and for 10+ years has professionally supported caregivers, seniors and caring adults in obtaining their personal wellness goals and making their own well-being top priority.

Courtney leads empowering workshops & teleclasses. She is a powerful speaker, a member of the Alzheimer’s Association Speaker’s Bureau, and a recognized expert on stress reduction and self-care.

10 Steps to Detect & Stop Secret Self-Sabotage

It’s a little known – yet much denied fact – that people treat you the way you secretly ask to be treated. Your unspoken request that determines how others behave toward you is extended to -and received by – everyone you meet.

What is your invisible inner life? It’s the way you actually feel – as opposed to the way you’re trying to appear – when meeting any person or event.

In other words, your invisible inner life is your real inner condition. It’s this state of internal affairs that communicates with others long before any words are exchanged. These silent signals from your inner self are what a person receives first upon meeting you. The reading of them determines from that point forward, the basis of your relationship. This unseen dialogue that goes on behind the scenes whenever two people meet is commonly understood as “sizing one another up.” But here’s the point of this introduction.

We’re often led to act against ourselves by an undetected weakness that goes before us – trying to pass itself off to others – as strength. This is secret self-sabotage. It sinks us in our personal and business relationships as surely as a torpedo wrecks the ship it strikes.

Any person you feel the need to control or dominate – so that he or she will treat you as you “think” you should be treated will always be in control of you and treat you accordingly. Why? Because anyone from whom you want something, psychologically speaking, is always in secret command of you.

It would never dawn on any person to want to be more powerful or superior to someone else unless there was some psychic character within him or her that secretly felt itself to be weaker or lesser than that other individual.

Any action we take to appear strong before another person is actually read by that person as a weakness. If you doubt this finding, review the past interactions and results of your own relationships. The general rule of thumb is that the more you demand or crave the respect of others, the less likely you are to receive it.

So it makes no sense to try and change the way others treat you by learning calculated behaviors or attitude techniques in order to appear in charge. Stop trying to be strong. Instead, start catching yourself about to act from weakness. Don’t be too surprised by this unusual instruction. A brief examination reveals its wisdom. Following are ten examples of where you may be secretly sabotaging yourself while wrongly assuming you’re strengthening your position with others.

1. Fawning before people to win their favor.

2. Expressing contrived concern for someone’s well being.

3. Making small talk to smooth out the edges.

4. Hanging onto someone’s every word.

5. Looking for someone’s approval.

6. Asking if someone is angry with you.

7. Fishing for a kind word.

8. Trying to impress someone.

9. Gossiping.

10. Explaining yourself to others.

The next time you feel yourself about to give into any of the above behaviors, give yourself a quick and simple internal test. This test will help you check for and cancel any undetected weakness that’s about to make you sabotage yourself.

Here’s what to do: Run a pressure check.

Here’s how: Come wide awake and run a quick inner scan within yourself to see if that remark you’re about to make, or the answer you’re about to give without having been asked for it, is something you really want to do. Are you about to speak because you’re afraid of some as yet undisclosed consequence if you don’t?

Your awareness of any pressure building within you is proof that it’s some form of fear – and not you – that wants to do the explaining, fawning, impressing, blabbing, or whatever the self-sabotaging act the inner pressure is pushing you to commit.

Each time you feel this pressurized urge to give yourself away, silently but solidly refuse to release this pressure by giving in to its demands. It may help you to succeed sooner if you know that fear has no voice unless it tricks you into giving it one. So stay silent. Your conscious silence stops self-sabotage.

Summary: In any and every moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself, or you are being commanded.

About the Author:
Guy Finley is the acclaimed author of more than 30 books and audio programs on the subject of self-realization, several of which have become international best sellers. His popular works, published in 16 languages, are widely endorsed by doctors, professionals, and religious leaders of all denominations. Among many others, his popular titles include: The Secret of Letting Go, Design Your Destiny, The Lost Secrets of Prayer, Apprentice of the Heart, and Let Go and Live in the Now.

Article Source:

Haters by Maya Angelou


November 16, 2009

“There are three important things in life – hope, love and faith. Of these three things, the most important is love” – Holy Bible.

A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends
all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.

They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough!

When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters…

That’s why you have to be careful with whom you share
your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can’t
handle seeing you blessed…

It’s dangerous to be like somebody else… If God
wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?

You never know what people have gone through to get what they have…
The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don’t know my story…
If the grass looks greener on the other side of the
fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!

We’ve all got some haters among us!

Some people envy you because you can:
a) Have a relationship with God
b) Light up a room when you walk in
c) Start your own business
d) Tell a man / woman to hit the curb (if he / she isn’t about the right thing)
e) Raise your children without both parent being in the home

Haters can’t stand to see you happy.
Haters will never want to see you succeed.

Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side.

How do you handle your undercover haters?

You can handle these haters by:

1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are (VERY IMPORTANT!!)

2. Having a purpose to your life:
Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled.
A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be.
Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.

3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation.

Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live…when its your time to leave this earth, you ‘want’ to be able to say, ‘I’ve lived my life and fulfilled ‘my’ dreams,… Now I’m ready to go HOME!

When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters,
‘Don’t look at me…Look at Who is in charge of me….’

What She Needs From You!

Come Here Or Get It Somewhere Else!<—Click here for

Ken Kendall’s Blog – What She Needs From You! Thoughts on taking care of your wife!
November 3, 2009

It is not important where you get good information, it is only important that you get good information. As you can imagine, I am a little biased in my belief that good information is available to all of you right here. But I can assure you that this blog is not exhaustive nor does it cover many specific ideas and questions. So you may have to check out many sources in your endeavor to get the help you need for your marriage.

It is rarely difficult to understand the truth once you have found it. The work is in the finding of the truth. Once you have determined that you do in fact need help and information that you do not currently have, the next step is to locate the source or sources that posses what you are looking for.

As you can surely imagine, there are so many resources available on the web, through blogs and reference websites. Additionally, there are thousands of books available, many of which address topics ranging from very general to pin-point specific. And while I love the ease in which you can research specific topics on the web, there are times that nothing will be as beneficial as talking with someone directly. Whether that be a family member, a mentor, a pastor, or even a counselor. All of these can be very advantageous depending on your relationships and individual circumstances.

The first step is to acknowledge that you have a need. Second, that you are willing to do the work that will be required to bring benefit to your situation. Third you have to go to the source of the help. And finally, you have to implement your plan for remedy.

Take the time to write down as specific as you can be, what you think the problem is. Try to outline the cause and effect of the problem. Look at both parties to the situation and honestly examine what your own involvement is in the problem and the solution. You might find that in doing so you will be able to answer some of the questions you have on what you can do right now to help. ~ KK