
Maven Medicine ~13 Moons of Meditation, Motivation & Manifestation

Invite & Reunite with your Inner Maven

Your one & only True You Expert!

 What is your medicine?

Together, let’s go within and seek the maven of your true heart’s desire, that one that honors and serves you for your greatest good and highest healing.

 When you heal yourself, you heal so much more…

family, community, worldwide.

Your impact is greater than you know
You are powerful indeed.

Join us in the co-creation of sisterhood, anointing ritual, holistic self-care, energetic attunement & sacred nourishment.

During the 13 moons of Maven Medicine you will learn:

to create a heartlink to your angels

Basic Meditation

Basic Woman’s Yoga

Sacred Nourishment

Transformation Techniques

Identify & begin to utilize your healer skills

Yearly Medicine Wheel

How to create Sacred Space

Craft Sacred Tools/Objects

to create Prayer Flags

Maven Medicine Anointing Ritual

Your Lunar Cycle

Implement Plant, Stone & Energy Medicine Modalities

Fire Ceremony

with so much more to come 😉


13 Sundays

12:00PM – 6:00PM

each session will include seasonal instruction on how to create an amazing vegetarian, farm to table seasonal lunch, herbal infusions, yummy snacks and spa water for implementation into our daily lives healthy , whole and holy nourished, hydrated and grounded.

(Please let us know of any food allergies, so we can provide a substitute during instruction)


Maven Medicine Gatherings will be held on the third Sunday for 13 moons (monthly).

2024 Dates:

January 22

February 19

March 19

April 23

May 21

June 18

July 16

August 20

September 17

October 15

November 12

December 17

13 Moons Closing Ceremony ~ January 26, 2025

A deposit of $100 is required to hold your space.

Click here for questions on how to register.

There are 2 payment options:

*Pay in full by first class: $910, making each gathering less than $75

Your balance (fee minus your deposit) is due by or at the first class.
*Pay monthly: $77

You will need to make the required deposit of $100 to hold your space.

Your first payment of $100 is due on January 14, 2021, a week before our first date

Choose Payment Type

Say Yes To You!


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* If this gathering resonates with you, What would you like to get out of joining us?

I would love to hear what’s on your mind and weighing on your heart.

For me, it is about creating a synergistic community of diverse sisterhood, self-love and care.

With that being said, if you are called to join this gathering of womyn, please know there are no “Drop-in’s “

Space is limited to foster trust, transparency and co-creation.

We are creating a circle together and the womyn you will meet will become sisters, so creating a safe container that all can feel at home, honored and respected.

Space will be reserved for 13 womyn only.

Gathering will be held monthly for 13 moons, beginning January of 2021

If Maven Medicine is calling you, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.

I will be able to answer any questions you have about attending and opening yourself up to your Inner Maven and experiencing the Divine Medicine within.



This entry was posted on January 19, 2023, in Coaching.

Fall into Health

What if I told you could reset your life in the next 30 days – from Surviving to Thriving?



Optimal health is being well mind, body and spirit, not just avoiding illness.

Personal experience has shown me moving through life while completely burned out is the exact opposite!


Can you relate?


Most often we are told that the secret to health is to diet better, exercise harder, and shop smarter!

While there is truth to that, how are we supposed to make time for that when our lives are already so full?

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if there was a way to move from surviving to truly thriving, holistically and simply?

I’m talking about waking up with joy each morning, knocking out that to-do list, and doing it without sacrificing time and energy with your loved ones to do it!

Seasonal Living is the Key!

As women, we are cyclic beings being called daily, weekly, seasonally to rest, release, and restore. Using the cycle of our bodies and the cycle of the seasons as a guide to mind/body/spirit healing connection and abundance. Our luteal phase (premenstrual) corresponds with the energy of autumn and the enchantress, when the trees are releasing their leaves and turning inward to prepare for a glorious spring. Showing us the joy in letting go!

Teaching women this concept, it is often the most significant but difficult change for them to incorporate each month because they were never taught to know and honor their bio-individual cycles, to understand the necessity, value and power – of slowing down, truly resting, and releasing the things that are not serving them any longer. This is a key factor that makes women statistically more likely than men to experience overwhelm, addiction, anxiety, burnout, chronic fatigue, depression  and more!


Do any of these sound familiar???


*I want to feel better, but I always lose my motivation, and I don’t know why. 

**I want to be healthier, but I don’t have time to go to the gym or do a lot of meal prepping.

***I want to feel more present in my life, but I don’t know how to balance all of my priorities to make it feel manageable. 

Making healthier decisions doesn’t have to be boring, hard, or time-consuming. And they don’t have to be entirely food-focused. 


Introducing the Fall into Health Program.

Over the next 30 days, we will do a deep dive into areas of your life that may be causing dis-ease and imbalance to your life, overall health and joy, in a way that adds ease, without adding more to your already full life.


Week 1: Release & Replace. This week we’ll work on releasing what isn’t serving you and replacing these unhelpful habits with nourishing ones.

Week 2: Grounding Practices & Foods. This week we’ll learn about what foods naturally ground you & grounding practices that can help you feel clear-headed and present in your daily life.

Week 3: Gentleness & Rejuvenation. This week we’ll learn the importance of self-care and how you can easily incorporate it into your life regularly to feel rejuvenated and satisfied.

Week 4: A Well Balanced Life. Before we finish our month together, we’ll take a look at each area of your life and see where you are feeling unbalanced or unhappy. Then, we’ll craft a plan of action to help you balance those areas of your life moving forward. 


It’s going to be a powerful month to tap into the Autumn season and learn to follow the divine guidance of our cyclical nature. As the trees release their leaves, we’ll dig in and figure out what we need to release as well.  




Who’s this program for? 

  • Mompreneurs – burned-out barely surviving each day but knows there is a better way to achieving her dreams.
  • The woman who dreads getting her cycle each month because it so energy depleting
  • Goal oriented women who know that they need to slow down for optimal health but doesn’t know where to begin
  • Stay at home moms with full lives who are tired of being told to add more things to be better moms!


Invest in YOUR present wellness, instead of future illness!


We will walk through a process that will really help you figure out what you need.

Self-care gets put on the back burner all too often.  Investing in yourself will bring vitality to your life and lift up other people along the way.

Learning to release old patterns and thoughts can create a whole new mindset to your health.

Healthy homes, families and communities start with healthy women and mothers. 

Start with you and everything else will fall into place

You are your most valuable asset, Let the healing begin



BIG BONUS: FREE 30-minute private coaching session after you complete the class!
Private Facebook Group – to get support, encouragement, ask questions & share
Weekly worksheets – to keep you on track and focused and to use after the class
Health Coaching Support – access to me to walk you through your journey!


Program starts on: December 7th – Dec 28th

Live mentorship calls will be held each Monday night at 7pm EST via Zoom. 

Calls will be recorded for you to keep. 



Rev. Maritday Rodriguez aka Ama’ritday~the Sacred Health Doula, a native New Yorker of Taino descent, honored to be in service to women for almost two decades, offering an abundance of traditional women’s healing & birthing wisdom from Taino, Caribbean and Native American cultures. Creating sacred space and providing information to assist women in all phases of their lives create an effective life plan so they can have the ideal pre and post reproductive health experience possible. A wholistic women’s wellness consultant with a background in women’s health, herbalism, integrative nutrition, energy work, doula mentorship, childbirth education, childbirth hypnosis, breastfeeding/lactation counseling, postpartum integration & adjustment.

This entry was posted on October 7, 2020, in Coaching.

Finding Balance

Is your life feeling out of balance?

No matter what we use as criteria when it comes to experiencing balance in our lives, we have certain needs that need to be filled throughout our lives and the more balanced our fulfillment of these needs, the smoother our boat will sail and the closer to balance we will get.

IIN calls it primary foods

Maslow called it a hierarchy of needs

Anthony Robbins called it a wheel

I call it a bliss.

Whatever we call it, it all comes down to balance.

If our life is not in balance then we are in trouble.

  • Self Actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, learning, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts)
  • Esteem (self esteem, confidence, respect)
  • Love and Belonging (friendship, family and intimacy)
  • Safety (security of body, health, family, property, employment, resources and morality)
  • Physiological (breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion)

Everyone can rank these in a different order of importance. At the same time, we may each rank them differently at different times in our lives. What is certain? If one of the above is lacking and another is over emphasized, then we are out of balance.

Anthony Robbins does an exercise with a wheel representing career, physical, spiritual and financial. We have to rank each by “how it is going.” Visually we are able to see, for example, that we are doing great financially and physically, but perhaps not spiritually or career-wise. If we are out of balance, our wheel will not roll.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition calls it “primary foods.” Outside our triangle of nutrition is a circle that consists of relationship, spirituality, career and physical activity.

The truth is, we can fix what we eat.  We can eat more greens and get rid of processed foods, but if we don’t take care of the other areas of our life, we will still not experience balanced health and happiness. You can be completely healthy with your diet yet still feel imbalanced.

To help you see the topics more clearly, take a look at the following basic needs and ways of fulfillment.

Self Actualization (morality, creativity, problem solving, learning, lack of prejudice, an acceptance of facts)

Prayer, Thoughtfulness, Meditation






Esteem (self esteem, confidence, and respect)



Love and Belonging (friendship, family and intimacy)

Relationship building

Care giving



Safety (security of body, health, family, property, employment, resources and morality)

Environmental safety

Health & well being

Job Security

Career growth

Financial empowerment

Environmental preservation

Ethics and morality

Physiological (breathing, environmental, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion)

Clean air, meditation, breathing exercise

Environmental impact on health and well being through design (ex. bringing nature into the home, healthy light, smart space)


PH Balance


Losing weight

Better Digestion

Super foods

  1.       Acai
  2.       Algae
  3.       Aloe Vera
  4.       Bee Products
  5.       Cacao
  6.       Camu Camu Berry
  7.       Chlorella
  8.       Coconut
  9.       Goji Berries
  10.       Hempseed
  11.       Incan Berries
  12.       Kelp
  13.       Maca
  14.       Marine Phytoplankton
  15.       Noni
  16.       Yacon

Raw Nutrition

  1.       Juicing vs. Blending
  2.       Nuts and Seeds
  3.       Sprouts
  4.       Grasses
  5.       Seaweed
  6.       Roots
  7.       Mushrooms
  8.       Recipes

Exercise and Fitness

Water, the amount and cleanliness

Intimacy as a physical need

Amount and quality of sleep


Bodily function, sight, hearing, pain


Illness and healing

We will be adding to this and focusing on each topic as total wellness. 

Look forward to future blogs on each line item and broken down even further for more tips on how to improve the quality of our lives. 

If anyone has any categories they would add to each need, please comment below.

Mastering Your Time

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

-Mark Twain

Time Management 101

Have you ever wished for a few more hours in the day?

Why is it that some people seem to get everything done effortlessly and others feel that time constantly eludes them?

The secret to managing your time well isn’t working more hours.

It is about prioritizing the important things and learning to use the time you have more efficiently and effectively.

The secret is working smarter, not harder.

Some of us, by nature, organize and get tasks out of the way before we relax, while others of us play first and work later. It is important to first recognize which type you are and whether your style is allowing you to have the life you really want. Maybe you are super-organized at work, but burned out because you don’t know how to make time for yourself. Maybe you are naturally a less organized person who knows how to relax, but you are dissatisfied because you aren’t fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Rather than labeling yourself or beating yourself up, realize that time management is an area of your life that you can strengthen. Like a new muscle, it takes practice and repetition to make it stronger. To help you get started, here are some steps to streamline your days at work and at home. Try the first one or two that jump out at you:

  • Allocate time for planning and organizing.
  • Create to-do lists that are realistic, not intimidating. Use only one to-do list.
  • Under-schedule your time: Leave time for the unexpected and for interruptions. When you estimate how long something will take, add on a third of that time.
  • Schedule your time in a way that reduces interruptions that lower your productivity.
  • Practice the art of intelligent neglect: Eliminate trivial tasks.
  • Prioritize what is most important and do that first.
  • Consider your biological prime time: At what time of day do you work best? Plan to do your most important work at that time.
  • If you say yes to everything that comes your way, learn to say no.
  • Ask for help and delegate.
  • In the evening make your to-do list for the next day, so it will be out of your brain and on a piece of paper. Leave work with a clear head and a clean desk.
  • Acknowledge yourself daily for all that you have accomplished.

Also take a look at the two biggest hindrances to using time effectively: procrastinating and lacking purpose. We usually procrastinate when a task seems too daunting, too large or too complex, or when we feel we won’t be able to handle it. When you get that “deer in the headlights” feeling, try “chunking”: break the large task into smaller, manageable action steps and start with the first one. We also often drag our heels or use our time inefficiently because we are bored, un-engaged and uninspired. The most effective people will tell you that they love what they do and are aligned with a greater purpose.

When it comes to managing your time, you may need to ask the larger questions, “Am I doing what I love to do? Am I doing something meaningful to me?”

As you strengthen your new time management muscle, keep your focus on getting organized so that you can live the life you came here for. Instead of being a chore, good time management can be your ticket to more fun, greater satisfaction and a vibrant, exciting life.

Food Focus:

Root Vegetables

The roots of any plant are its anchor and foundation; they are the essential parts that support and nourish the plant. Root vegetables lend these properties to us when we eat them, making us feel physically and mentally grounded and rooted, increasing our stability, stamina and endurance. Roots are a rich source of nutritious complex carbohydrates, providing a steady source of necessary sugars to the body. Instead of upsetting blood sugar levels like refined sweet foods, they regulate them. Since they absorb, assimilate and supply plants with vital nutrients, roots likewise increase absorption and assimilation in our digestive tracts.

Long roots, like burdock, carrots, parsnips and daikon radish, are excellent blood purifiers and can help improve circulation in the body and increase mental clarity . Round roots, like turnips, radishes, beets and rutabagas, are nourishing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas and reproductive organs and can help regulate blood sugar and moods, and alleviate cravings.

Recipe of the Month:

Roasted Root Vegetables

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25-35 minutes

Yield: 4-6 servings


1 sweet potato

2 parsnips

2 carrots

2 turnips or 1 large rutabaga

1 red onion (if you like)

1 daikon radish (or substitute/add in your favorites, like squash)

olive oil

salt and pepper

herbs: rosemary, thyme or sage (fresh if possible)


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Wash and chop all vegetables into large bite-sized pieces.
  3. Place in a large baking dish with sides.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil; mix well to coat each vegetable lightly with oil.
  5. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs.
  6. Bake uncovered for 25-35 minutes until vegetables are tender and golden brown, checking every 10 minutes to stir and make sure veggies are not sticking.

Note: Any combination of vegetables will work.

Roasting only one kind of vegetable also makes a nice side dish.


Forward to a Friend

It’s such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier.

Please share this with friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it.

 Much Love




Holistic Health Coaching


Health coaching is a relatively new profession, but the idea behind it is really rooted in how we, as human beings, operate.

As a Health Coach, I help you work with your unique body, and take into consideration how everything in your life affects your health and wellness.


  • I work with the concept of bio-individuality. My approach is client-driven. Instead of getting a one-size-fits-all meal plan based on a cookie-cutter approach or one fad diet, I create customized plans for my clients based on their individual circumstances, lifestyle habits, health condition and other needs.
  • I approach nutrition as “whole foods”, instead of compartmentalizing them into individual nutrients such as calories, carbs, proteins, fats etc. Why? Because the synergistic relationship among these various components when they are ingested in the form of whole foods deliver much more benefits than when they are taken as individual nutrients.
  • With my health coaching program, I work with my clients over several months with sessions that last 50-60 minutes.  I am able to be with them every step of the way so that we are able to look into lifestyle choices and work on changing habits, resulting in meaningful and positive behavioral changes that last for a long time, delivering long-term health benefits.
  • My coaching is goal-, action- and result-oriented. My approach focuses on implementation and integration, so that healthy changes are integrated into your life. We live in the age of information overload – you don’t need more information, you need to know which information to use and how to make them work for your life.
  • Instead of treating the symptoms, I work with my clients to get to the underlying causes of their health concerns. We look at how issues such as stress, emotional distress, physical activities, lack of “soul nourishment” etc. effect our overall well-being. I help my clients cultivate the awareness to improve all areas of their lives.
  • I support my clients to work with their body on healing itself so that they can eventually reduce the amount of medication that they rely on.
  • Instead of forcing my clients to stick to some “plan” which does not work for them, I first listen to my clients’ needs and concerns, then work with them to get over blocks or resistance, making any behavioral changes they make stick.
  • As your Health Coach, I support you to live your life to the fullest.


  • Working with me, you will get:
    • A plan of ACTION that is realistic, practical and actionable
    • GUIDANCE to implement changes that work with your lifestyle
    • SUPPORT to course correct and stay on track
    • ACCOUNTABILITY that leads to success that lasts a lifetime


Chances are, if you invest in your health and wellness, you will recover your investment and more through savings in medications, doctor’s visits, unnecessary supplements, fad diets, ineffective treatments, as well as increased productivity and fewer sick days.

Plus, who can put a price on more vitality, less stress, better relationships, and a happier existence?

To find out if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to a

FREE 50 minute Clarity Session during which we will discover how I can support you for a healthier, happier life.




This entry was posted on January 8, 2018, in Coaching.

Spiritual Guidance for the New Year?

Do you want to:
Get more connected with your inner self?
Enjoy a session that is all about you and your life purpose?
Get clear and focus on your gifts and talents?

I have seven spaces available for readings from now until January 1!

If this resonates with you and feel called to connect with me,
click the button below;

Then ask to be drawn to the Reading that will give you the messages you need at this time.

The reading I do for myself at this time of year is the 12-Month Reading
(Medicine Wheel Reading).
It gives you loving guidance for the year ahead – and I just love the different Spirit Guides, Archangels, and Mothers and Masters that come through!

I look forward to connecting with you!

Seasonal Whole Food Program


Welcome to Sacred Body Reboot  Seasonal Whole Food  Program

Revitalize, Reboot + Glow in 11 Simple Days


This 11-Day Program is going to change your life forever:

You will improve your digestion, boost your immune system and lose weight in a safe and effective way.

  • Are you ready to recharge?

  • Are you ready to shed excess weight?

  • Are you ready to boost your Immune System?

  • Are you ready to kick sugar cravings, food intolerance and fatigue to the curb?

  • Are you ready to ditch the diets, stop counting calories and reboot your metabolism?

This is your opportunity to revitalize, reboot and re”PH”resh

your system in 11 simple and delicious days.




“Sacred Eating gave me my life back..It seemed like no matter what choices i made towards health I just become more ill, with more symptoms and prescriptions…I realized I was sacred and deserved the best and once the way was paved and explained, things started to make sense!I am forever grateful to this program and the difference it has made for me!”

~ TM, Visionary – Georgia

Why is it essential to eat clean and sacred according to the seasons?

Our bodies go through shifts during every season.
It is important to eliminate built-up toxins so your body releases the old that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts or suppressing your immune system.
Seasonal Sacred Eating allows the body to shift gradually into eating foods that are designed to be eaten during the current season. Foods you craved and ate during the summer may be counter-productive during the fall season and what you crave in fall may be non-immune supporting in winter, etc.

In this 11 Day program, you will not only learn the tools you need to support your metabolism through the changing season, but you will renew your cells and begin glowing from the inside out as you dive into chef-created meals that are designed to have you feeling vibrant and alive and not bogged down.


This is a guided 11-Day whole food eating program 

based solely on eating only real food.


You will prepare your body for the upcoming winter months.

This means fewer colds, less internal inflammation, and more consistent elimination for proper detoxification.

Safe and effective cleansing should support your body naturally to reboot, recharge, and unclog your organs.


Why is this Whole Food Program Different?

You will learn how to prepare, prep, and create delicious meals that will support you to transition in a safe and natural way. Preparing and releasing impurities is not about drinking juices, only eating smoothies, or living on the water. Instead, this 3-prong program is based on the elimination diet. By doing this program, you will learn what foods are beneficial to eat during the year and how to incorporate what you have learned throughout your life.

This program is for you if you have been experiencing the following:

  • Headaches

  • Mood swings

  • Low energy

  • Indigestion

  • Constipation

  • Excess weight

  • Food allergies

  • Insomnia

  • Skin conditions like acne & eczema

“I have multiple diagnosis, Where to begin, Do you have all night? Someone who loves me very much gave me this program as a gift.
I didn’t know if it would work or not. What did I have to lose? Nothing could be worse than the hell I was already living. So glad that I got out of my comfort zone and foods… learned something that made true change a reality for me! I was challenged to make changes that put myself and well-being first! What a light bulb moment, to realize I wasn’t putting self first and making good choices, then to feel the difference, I had more energy but I learned to honor myself when I was wiped out too.
In Gratitude to finding the Sacred In me through my food and my relationship with it.

~ KS, WAHM – Georgia

Did you know?

The body can carry around 5 to 10 pounds of toxic waste, which slows down metabolism, impairs your immune system and leaves you feeling tired and sluggish.

“Toxins from food and the environment can make you fat. Toxins may come in the form of medication, bacteria, industrial chemicals, and heavy metals, such as mercury. These pollutants can damage or block the signals that control your appetite. You can detoxify your body with the right balance of protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in plant foods.” ~ Dr. Mark Hyman 



During this 11-Day Program you will:

  • Improve the quality of your skin

  • Reduce the toxic load that leads to poor digestion, dry skin and colds to name a few

  • Improve your digestion and your nutrient assimilation

  • Reduce gas and bloating

  • Feel more confident in your every day

  • Sleep like a baby

  • Uncover hidden food allergies that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts

  • Ditch the diet mentality and learn what foods are “right for your unique body”

  • Reveal an internal glow as you revitalize your body and release toxins that are wreaking havoc on you physically and emotionally

Will I be hungry?
The recipes you will be eating during this 11-Day Program are designed for you to feel satisfied, nourished and prepare your body naturally to move through the seasons.


Decide to Revitalize Your Body and Restore your Vitality TODAY!


Program Choice

What’s Included In the Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program?

  1. Your Sacred Body Reboot Guide for Sacred Eating
: A step-by-step guide showing you exactly how to detox in a safe and natural way.

  2. A Recipe Guide: You will have recipes that are created by a chef who understands the importance of improving digestion, decreasing inflammation and keeping you satisfied.

  3. Daily Email Support 
You will receive daily emails from me supporting you through this entire process.

  4. 11 Days of Suggested Meals: You will never feel deprived, hungry or confused about what to eat or when to eat.

  5. A Tool Kit: This kit has every tool you need to make your Sacred Eating Whole Food Program success last a lifetime.

  6. A Shopping List: This will make shopping super easy, which makes prepping, preparing and cooking for your detox easy.

  7. And BONUSES Galore!!!!!!!!

 Plus a BONUS 30-Minute Post-Revitalize Your Body Discovery Session!

Bonus Details:
You get a 30-minute post Revitalize Your Body discovery session with me to make your success last for a life-time.

The Results you will experience:

  • Lose 3-5 pounds in a week

  • Ditch the Diet mentality, kiss goodbye to the cravings and bloat

  • Endless energy

  • Mental clarity and not the “brain fog”

  • Learn simple techniques to lighten the toxic burden on our bodies and clean eating principles that you can use for a lifetime no matter where you are, in time space or location 😉

Your Investment is only: $127~
that’s just $11 a day to a HEALTHY HOLISTIC SACRED YOU!

Next Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program begins on:
June 1, 2020 


 Will I feel tired?


You may experience feeling tired the first few days as you remove foods that are wreaking havoc on your system unknowingly but many people experience feeling more alert, more focused and report having weight loss even in the first few days of Eating Sacred.


“Learning that -When you are eating superfoods, which are nutrient dense powerhouses, makes it easy to feel fulfilled on less food and have more energy.
You can really see why its so hard to lose weight with all the enormous portions loaded with harmful fats salts and sugars.” ~ RR, Administrative Assistant – New York

Next Sacred Body Reboot Seasonal Whole Food  Program begins on:

June 1, 2020 

Kick-off call: June 1, 2020 at 7:30PM
(Signup *TODAY* to get your free eBook, call in and program details)

P.S. Do not worry if you cannot make the live call, it is recorded but I hope you can make it.


Revitalize, Reboot, Re”PH”resh your Body in 11 Simple Days

Give yourself the gift of health and wellness this year

I am Ready.

Where do I sign up?

Program Choice

I look forward to seeing you!



Celebrations, Dedications & Weddings


During these important and often life changing milestones, ritual and ceremony can play a vital role, providing us a divine and graceful moment to genuinely connect with the Sacred within, which for some can be a invaluable source of celebration, support and/or empowerment to move onward with increased vitality and hope. Being an ordained inter-faith celebrant it is my great honor and privilege to be a integral part of these most precious moments (both great & small as well as joyous and somber)

Each of us embarks on a path that has many obstacles, victories, joy, sorrow, and laughter. Not sure where we will end up, we have faith and move into the unknown. Rejoicing at what’s to come and living each day as fully and openly as possible.


I work with individuals, couples and groups to personalize and customize each ceremony around your traditions, desires and needs. Together we can co-create a ceremony or ritual that reflects your personal style, and desire to celebrate all of who you are and how far you’ve come as well as what the journey has meant to you.

  • Weddings, Affirmation of Love, Commitment Ceremonies, Vow Renewals
  • Baptism/Baby Naming/Dedication/Blessing
  • Dedication Ceremonies-business, gallery, studio, new project
  • Home Blessing, Empty Nest, Divorce,
  • Loss(funerals, last rights, Perinatal Bereavement)
  • Blessing of the Animals

For Pricing – Please click here to fill out the Couples Questionnaire

Return questionnaire via email to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Elopement – starting $297

Basic – starting $497

Classic – starting $597

Premium – starting $697

**Click each link for ceremony details**

My officiant fees for weddings within my primary service area are detailed below.
For locations outside this area, please call me or use the form below for a quote.

Generally, I first meet with couples free of charge locally
to get acquainted and talk about your wedding plans. If you live outside the
Hudson Valley New York area, we can also conference by phone, Skype and e-mail.

I require a 50% deposit (credited toward the fee) to hold your date and time on my
wedding calendar. You can submit deposit payment using the PayPal link below.
Deposits are not refundable in the event you cancel your wedding.

Ceremony Type


With Much Love Joy and many Blessings,
From My Heart to Yours
Rev. Maritday Rodriguez


This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

Be a Health Coach

Are you passionate about holistic health and ready to reach a deeper level of personal nourishment?

Do you dream of a fulfilling career helping others become healthier and happier?

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program
may be perfect for you!

During IIN’s one year program, you will learn from inspiring leaders in the health and wellness industry as well as experts in business and marketing, connect with an amazing supportive community, and experience a remarkable personal transformation – all through a convenient online platform that makes learning on-the-go possible for anyone.

Check out a sample class for a taste of what IIN is all about!

Some of the core concepts and nutrition topics included in the curriculum are:

  • Over 100 dietary theories
  • The modern health crisis
  • Bio-individuality
  • Primary Food
  • Crowding out
  • Deconstructing cravings
  • Energetics of food
  • Food/mood connection
  • Inflammation
  • Digestion
  •  Toxins

In addition to this, IIN will also provide you with coaching, business, and marketing skills so that
you can share your knowledge with others as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach if you
choose to do this work professionally – part time or full time!


Please send me more information


This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

My Community

Click here—> Local Recipes

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Bialas Farms

75 Celery Ave.

New Hampton, NY 10958

Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Blooming Hill Farm

1251 Rte. 208

Blooming Grove, NY 10914


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Brook Farm Project

60 Gatehouse Rd.

New Paltz, NY 12561


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Cascade Farm

24 Harmony Rd.

Patterson, NY 12563


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Common Ground Farm

Stony Kill Environmental Center

79 Farmstead Ln.

Wappinger’s Falls, NY 10590


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Hawthorne Valley Farm

327 Rte. 21C

Ghent, NY 12075


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups, Food Markets, Orchards & Pick-Your-Own Farms

Hearty Roots Community Farm

1830 Rte. 9

Germantown, NY 12526


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Hudson Valley Harvest

New Paltz, NY 12561

1-800-811 3795

Category: CSAs and Buying Groups, Farmers’ Markets

Huguenot Street Farm

205 Huguenot St.

New Paltz, NY 12561

Category: CSAs and Buying Groups

Kingston Natural Foods Market

33 Broadway

Kingston, NY 12401


Category: CSAs and Buying Groups, Health Food Store


Lazy Crazy Acres

Jake & Karen Fairbairn

59 Rider Hollow Road

Arkville , NY 12406

PH: (845) 802-4098


Migliorelli Farm

MaryAnn Migliorelli Rosolen

5150 Route 28

Mt. Tremper, NY 12457

PH: (845) 688-2112


Rusty Plough Farm

Oleh & Nadia Maczaj

331 Dowe Road

Ellenville, NY 12428

PH: (845) 647-6911


Kiernan Farm

Marty Kiernan

1308 Bruynswick Road

Gardiner, NY 12525

PH: (845) 255-5995



Chris Kupec

26 Lasher Road

Big Indian, NY 12410

PH: (845) 254-9818


Farmers’ Market

Kingston Farmer’s Market

P.O. Box 3794

Kingston NY 12402

Katy Kondrat

Market Manager

Phone: 347-721-7386

Migliorelli Farm

MaryAnn Migliorelli Rosolen

5150 Route 28

Mt. Tremper, NY 12457

PH: (845) 688-2112


Rosendale Farmers’ Market

Billy Liggan

Rosendale Community Center Parking Lot

Rosendale , NY 12472

PH: (845) 658-8348


Saugerties Farmers’ Market

Rickie Tamayo

115 Main Street

Saugerties, NY 12477

PH: (845) 246-6491


Woodstock Farm Festival

Megan Reynolds

6 Maple Lane

Woodstock , NY 12498

PH: (845) 679-5345


Health Food Stores

Beacon Natural Market

348 Main St

Beacon, NY 12508-3021


The High Falls Food Co-Op

1398 Route 213

High Falls, NY 12440

(corner of Lucas Avenue & Rt. 213)


Natures Pantry

Fishkill & New Windsor locations



New Paltz Health & Nutrition

15 New Paltz Plaza

New Paltz, NY 12525


Mother Earth’s Storehouse

Kingston, Poughkeepsie & Saugerties Locations




Sunflower Natural Foods Market

Rhinebeck & Woodstock Locations



Healthy Dining

Aroma Thyme Bistro

165 Canal St

Ellenville NY 12428

(845) 647-3000

Karma Road

11 Main St.

New Paltz, NY 12561


New World Home Cooking Company

1411 Rt. 212

Saugerties, NY 12477

845-246 0900

The Village Tea Room

10 Plattekill Ave,

New Paltz, NY 12561




This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

Healthy Skin Care

Wholisthetics is the the parent program of

Sacred Connection Health & Life Arts(SCHALA).

Skin Care, one of my first passions helped me birth SCHALA in order to satisfy a growing demand for continued support beyond your basic skin care treatment.

Making sure my clients have customized sacred holistic wellness services and products.

All specifically chosen to work synergistically by integrating different mind, body, and spirit modalities including Aromatherapy, Body Care, as well as, Energy work, such as, Integrated Energy Therapy, all facilitated by a licensed and certified professional.

Emphasis is placed on bringing to light the very harmful effects of Environmental Toxicity, and why Organics, Effective Skin Care and incorporating Healthy Diet, Products, Lifestyle and Wellness choices are vital to our daily living and over all health and well being.


  •  All corrective & anti-aging treatments will provide visible results

  •  For long-lasting benefits, Treatments at regularly scheduled intervals are recommended.  

  •  To maintain long-lasting results & healthy skin, a professionally designed home care program is essential.

  •  Men’s facials concentrate on men’s concerns including shaving irritation, in grown hairs, clogged pores, correct shaving techniques & eye wrinkles.


I perform the following ~

Custom Facial Services ~ Designed to target your specific skin care goals!


Professional Home Care Recommendations

Face and Body Waxing ~ Specialized waxing techniques using hard & strip waxes for the cleanest wax you’ve ever had!

Make-up Session/Lesson

Learn about the latest advances in skin care.

Experience the difference

Learn to enhance your natural beauty.

Get the look that will be admired and remembered!

  • We offer express Ala-Carte Services

  • Ask about bridal consultations, paraffin treatments, cosmetic eye enhancements, peels, birthdays & gift certificates

Proper home care is a necessity for maintenance between facials & prevention of premature aging & problem conditions.

The beneficial effects of a facial treatment can be greatly compromised & progress delayed by using inappropriate products at home.

The skin is the largest organ of the body & needs proper nourishment regularly like any other part of the body.

Basic skin products are recommended during the day for hydration & sun protection.

Cosmeceutical products are recommended at night to perform anti-aging work in the deeper layers of the skin while the body is resting, repairing & regenerating itself.

Basic skin care products include cleansers, toners, moisturizers, masks, gentle exfoliating scrubs, eye creams, eye makeup removers, & sunscreens for the face.

Cosmeceuticals are a cross between basic cosmetics & pharmaceutical ingredients.

In recent years, innovative research has given us this group of products available to aestheticians & physicians, facilitating more dramatic changes in skin condition than basic skincare.

These include Alpha Hydroxy Acids (specifically Glycolic Acid), topical Vitamin C Serum, Retinol Creams, Oxygen Creams, Vitamin K cream for inflamed capillaries, products for Rosacea, Acne & problematic skin. Serums that contain a high percentage of active ingredients can exfoliate at a deeper level, stimulate collagen fiber production, deeply hydrate skin & repair damaged tissue.

These are sold only to licensed professionals who are able to monitor your progress & make changes when necessary to achieve results far greater than any product one could purchase over the counter


This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

Oracle Guidance


I love doing oracle and tarot readings.

They don’t tell you what to do.

They don’t predict the future.

They simply provide guidance.

You will receive a nudge, wink, or confirmation from the Divine.

I believe we already have the information we need within.

Our soul and the Divine are speaking to us all the time but with the busy world we live in, we aren’t always sure which voice is speaking…

Our inner wisdom or inner critic.

Know this, your soul and the Divine always speak the language of love and compassion.

They are here to help you.

You are wiser than you know and the tarot and oracle are simply a tool to help you trust what’s within.

Remember, you always have free will. You are co-creating your future with the energy behind your thoughts.

Guided Coaching ~ via phone or Skype
When you click the “buy button” you will be asked to:

  • choose oracle deck
  • submit your question, challenge, or area of concern or just state “general guidance”

50 (Fifty minute) one-on-one session in person or over the phone. $125
25 (Twenty-Five) minute one-on-one session over the phone. $65

Oracle Guidance ~ via email

One card reading $11

Three card reading $33

Five card reading $55

Medicine Wheel one-year reading $95
Receive an email with a picture of your reading and a PDF with a short description of your cards, the spread you requested, and any additional intuitive guidance.
*Medicine Wheel reading will include journaling prompts to be used throughout the year.
This reading comes with a beautiful 26 page PDF.

Reading Request
Deck Requested
Deck Requested Cont’d



This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

My Approach

439074I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

My approach is not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding.

Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

Here are some concepts that we will explore during our work together:

Bio-individuality™: The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I’ll support you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background. I use a personalized, holistic approach to ensure that you will have great success!

Primary Food™: It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.

Integrative Nutrition™ Plate: The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It shows you how a plate should appear at mealtime and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size. To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health: relationship, career, physical activity and spirituality. I’ll introduce you to some of the healthiest foods on the planet and teach you how to find what’s healthiest for your unique body!

You can learn more about my training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Are you ready to start feeling better than ever? Schedule an initial consultation with me today!

This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

My Training

I received my training as a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program.

During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.
My teachers included:
Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine;
Dr. Deepak Chopra, leader in the field of mind-body medicine;
Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center;
Dr. Walter Willett, Chair of Nutrition at Harvard University;
Geneen Roth, bestselling author and expert on emotional eating; and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.

My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and preventive health. Drawing on these skills and my knowledge of different dietary theories,

I work with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results.

International School of Skin & Nails – Aesthetician – 1015 hrs – 10/2000

Fl License# FB857, GA License# ES001541 & NY License#28LU1286011

Spa Techniques Janet McCormick, Advanced Aesthetics – 8/18-22/2002

Dermalogica – Acne 5/2000, Environmentally Sensitive Skin -9/2000

Chemical Peeling PCA – 9/2001

Phytobiodermie – Mech Lymph Drainage 3/2002, Chromatherapy 3/2002

New Apeel Microderm – SkinCare Specialty System – 9/2002

Advanced Skincare TechniquesCa Botana – 5/2003

Dermalogica – Face Mapping – 6/2004

Adv. Concepts in Medical Skincare Biomedic LaRoche-Posay– 5/2005
DermaGenesis (Dermapeel) Microderm – 6/2005

LPG Cosmecanique & Endermolgie – 10/2005

Repechage- specialist certification – 11/2007

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level -03/2010

Biblical Health Institute Biblical health Coach -03/15/2011

Trained Birth Arts International Doula – Birth Doula -09/09/2011

Wise Woman Herbal Apprenticeship – Shamanic Herbalist -11/11/11

Violet Alchemy Healing 07/01/2012

Ordained Reverend 08/18/2012

Star of Ishtar –  Red Tent Facilitator – 05/2013

Institute for Integrative Nutrition – Graduate 10/2013

Integrated Energy Therapy – Intermediate & Advanced Level 11/2013

Integrated Energy Therapy – Master Instructor/Practitioner – 03/2014

International Placenta and Postpartum Association – Placenta Encapsulation Specialist – 12/2015

Spinning Babies Workshop – 03/2016 & 09/2017

Hypnobabies® – Registered Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula – 06/2016

La Matrona FoundationCertified Accessible Doula – 02/2017

La Matrona Foundation – Certified Holistic Doula – 03/2017

Birth Spirituality and HealingBirth Spirituality and Healing Coach – 10/2017

La Matrona Foundation – Tending the Postpartum Psyche – Advanced Postpartum Care and Homeopathy – 11/2017

Indigenous Remedies – Herbal Therapy for Women’s Health and Wellness – 01/2018

Moon Mother Level 1 Training & Optimized Woman workshop, Miranda Gray 9/18-20/2019

Birth Healing and Spirituality – Certified BSH Facilitator – Gena McCarthy. 10/15/2018

The Academy of Lactation Policy & Practice (ALPP) Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) – The Center for Breastfeeding 2 /8/2019

Neonatal Resuscitation Program – NRP provider 3/9/2019

American Red Cross Adult Infant First Aid/CPR/AED 3/16/2019


Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor Hypnobabies Hynobirthing – 9/4/2024


aadp ascpmemberlogo_color1 iahc-badge




This entry was posted on September 19, 2016, in Coaching.

Full Spectrum Doula

A Full-Spectrum Doula (FSD) offers physical, emotional, and informational support to people throughout their lives, whether or not they are pregnant.

A FSD can meet up with anyone who has a cervix, no matter how they self-identify.

Full-Spectrum Doulas are also trained to support individuals and families through all pregnancy outcomes, including abortion, miscarriage, and adoption.

Maritday is trained as a Full-Spectrum Doula.

Full-Spectrum Doulas help people who are…

  • Trying to get pregnant.
  • Avoiding pregnancy.
  • Wanting to see their cervix/vulva/vagina.
  • Concerned about STDs.
  • Newly pregnant and overwhelmed.
  • Having trouble reaching orgasm.
  • Curious about anatomy.
  • Dissatisfied or confused with current birth control choices.
  • Want to learn more “natural/holistic” approaches to self-care.
  • Looking for ways to cope with menstruation.
  • Thinking their genitals might be abnormal.
  • Rethinking their sexual orientation or gender.
  • Confused about payment/insurance options for pelvic health.
Consultations with a full-spectrum doula can include any of the following topics:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Anatomy of Pleasure and Orgasm
  • Self-Care
  • Internal and External Self-Examination
  • Menstruation and Ovulation
  • Preconception Health and Planning
  • Fertility Awareness Methods
  • Pregnancy Prevention
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Miscarriage Support
  • Abortion Doula Services
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Adoption Support
  • Herbal Remedies
  • LGBTQI-Specific Care
  • Advocacy

Thank you Welcome Home Doula Service for explaining so eloquently what a Full Spectrum Doula is and does!

“Childbirth education empowers one to make informed choices in health care, to assume responsibility for their health, and to trust their inner wisdom”. – Lamaze International

What Do You Learn?
• Skills, tools and tips for coping with labor pain
• How the birth environment can enhance or detract from your ability to cope
• The factors that can make pain seem less intense and more manageable
• How to manage fear, stress and anxiety for childbirth and parenting challenges
• How to talk to your health care providers to get the answers you need to make great decisions
• When medical tools and procedures enhances health and when they do not
• How to effectively use pain medications for maximum satisfaction and effectiveness
• The role your baby plays during labor
• Facilitating your baby’s rotations into the optimal position for labor and birth
• Healthy pregnancy exercises and nutrition decisions
• Skills for postpartum communication and harmony with your partner
• Skills for breastfeeding
• Skills for newborn care

and that is only the beginning!