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By Appointment Only

Showing: 69 - 85 of 159 RESULTS

Combined Package Doula and Herbal Service

Combined Package Doula and Herbal services $1177, $1377, $1477 -All services provided in Prenatal and Birth Doula -All services provided in Prenatal and Birth Herbal service Choose Delivery Location for …


Prenatal and Birth Doula Service

Prenatal and Birth Doula Service Ulster $777, Orange $977, $1077 Dutchess -Free initial interview -2 Prenatal visits(discussing birth expectation, concerns and aspirations, discuss/write birth plan, discuss pain management, as birth …


Prenatal and Birth Herbalist Service

Prenatal and Birth Herbalist Service $400 -Initial extensive intake interview -Herbal support and education through pregnancy for common to less common pregnancy ailments -Support in writing a prenatal and birth …


The Lovely & Powerful Elderberry

5 reasons why we want to use her blessings?


She:Is very high in vitamin A,

Has more vitamin C than oranges,

Is very high in quercitin (antioxidant),

is anti-inflammatory, and

Possesses antiviral properties that have been shown to treat colds and flu.


Ingredients:2/3 cup dried elderberries

3 1/2 cups of water

2 Tbsp fresh or dried ginger root

1 tsp cinnamon powder

1/2 tsp whole cloves or clove powder 

1 cup raw honey


  • In medium saucepan and add water, elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves

 (Not the honey, because the heat will destroy the medicinal benefits)

  • Boil, cover and reduce to a simmer for 45 minutes to an hour until you have reduced the liquid by about half.
  • Strain, discard elderberries and let the liquid reach lukewarm, add 1 cup of honey and stir
  • Mix well, pour the syrup into a large mason jar or 32 ounce glass bottle of some kind
  • Refrigerate, it will last several months!
  • *Combining unflavored gelatin and syrup you can make your own “Healthful Gummies”* The kids will LOVE them!

Standard dosing:

1/2 tsp to 1 tsp for kids
1/2 Tbsp to 1 Tbsp for adults

  • In the event flu rears its ugly head, dose every 2-3 hours instead of once daily until symptoms are gone
  • Also, it tastes wonderful on waffles, pancakes, pie ala mode or ice cream! 

“Except from Mountain Rose Herbs
Also known as- Sambucus spp (Nigra for berries and Canadensis for flowers) American Elder, Common Elder, Black Elder, Bour Tree, and European Black Elder.
Introduction- European elder is a plant native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Western-and Central Asia. Its flowers and berries have a long history of use in traditional European medicine. Elder berries have also been used for making preserves, wines, winter cordials, and for adding flavor and color to other wines.
Constituents- Potassium nitrate, sambucin, sambunigrin, sugars. The complex sugars of the berries are the immune-active fraction.
Parts Used- Most commonly the flowers or berries. Dried fruits are less bitter than fresh.
The branches and leaves are poisonous. The small stem which is sometimes left on the berry is safe.
Typical Preparations- Teas, tinctures, encapsulations, syrups, wine, cordials, and even ketchup, often combined with propolis or echinacea.
Precautions- None for flowers. According to the Botanical Safety Handbook*, the unripe and raw fruit, seeds, bark and leaves contain a component, sambunigrin, which may cause vomiting or severe diarrhea if ingested.
*Michael McGuffin, ed., American Herbal Products Association’s Botanical Safety Handbook, (New York: CRC Press, 1997)
Just a few words on the alternative (Tamiflu)…
Back in 2008, the FDA started reviewing reports of abnormal behavior and disturbing brain effects in more than 1,800 children who had taken Tamiflu. The symptoms included convulsions, delirium and delusions. In Japan, five deaths were reported in children under 16 as a result of such neurological or psychiatric problems. Seven adult deaths have also been attributed to Tamiflu, due to its neuropsychiatric effect. According to a 2009 study, more than half of children taking Tamiflu experience side effects such as nausea and nightmares. Other more rare and bizarre side effects have also been reported, such as the case of a 19-year old British girl who developed toxic epidermal necrolysis and blindness after taking Tamiflu last year.” (

With Much Love, Ama’ritday

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



My Mother’s day, Meloncholy but fair and shifting

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I got to spend the day with my family of birth on my mother’s side, a very special friend who is like a sistar but so …

Sacred Relationship

Self Love 101

Valentine’s Day may only be once a year but Self Love is something that you can give yourself every day!

Let Ama’ritday The Sacred Health Doula of Sacred Connection Health & Life Arts help you create a unique Self Love routine that you can implement daily! Whether you would like to plan a private session, a girl’s night out, a bachelorette party, Administrative Professional/Teacher Appreciation, all are planned to your specific request, health and wellness needs. Whether it is a Baby, Body, Business or Your Life, Preparation, Creation and Manifestation are just a visit away heart emoticon

You will leave feeling revitalized, cared for, with a wealth of divine knowledge and tools to optimize your healthiness, wholeness & holiness!

Make that Sacred Connection within and walk in beauty without!

Holistic Offerings include:
Body Wraps/Facials /Skin Care Consultations/Coaching
Energy Work/Spiritual Counseling
Nutritional Prevention/Reproductive Wellness Coaching
**Except for Body Wraps & Facials all other services can be done In Person or Virtually**


Self Love 101

Coaching Family Healthy Lifestyle Sacred Relationship Spirituality

MY Marvelous “MOON” Day Musings

Ama’ritday Ama’ritday Ama’ritday! This is my song and reminder to my self that all the magic that I am and need – Is inside me already! All I have to …

Aesthetics Coaching Family Sacred Relationship Spirituality

AMAZING NEWS! To Newness! Abundance! Yes!

True Light Healing Center will be hosting Sacred Connection Health and Life Arts(SCHALA) – your one stop healing center for Beauty, Body, Mind and Spirit. SCHALA will be open for …


Wonderful Website

It’s Marvelous Monday – my FAV day! I want to share a website that is awesome! I love this website.

Like myself, Clean Plates founder, Jared Koch is a nutritional consultant and health coach. His innovation to create this amazing online directory is a boon to the health and wellness industry making ownership of ones health possible by providing solutions that create long lasting positive changes for years to come. health at your fingertips! YES! I’ll take it!

This site provides many resources to help guide you in making informed, healthful choices. You can find a restaurant tailored to your food needs, books classes and a wealth of other resources to help you through the health and wellness choices that best suit your needs, budget and lifestyle. I eat very well at home and it is really important to me to eat just as good or better when eating out especially in NYC. Unlimited choices and it can be daunting finding some excellent nourishing food!

Here’s what the founder of Clean Plates has to say!
Story by Jared Koch

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard.

That’s the guiding principle at the heart of Clean Plates, a company I founded three years ago as an extension of my work with clients (I’m a nutritional consultant). Launched as a Zagat-style guidebook to healthy, sustainable and delicious dining options, today we’re that and much more — a full-fledged media company with a series of books, websites and (as of last month) an iPhone app.

Our goal is to meet people where they are, literally (the app, and even our books, which are portable by design) and figuratively. I’m a huge believer in bio-individuality, which basically means that there’s no one right way to eat; different bodies thrive on different diets. With this in mind, at Clean Plates we create content and services for eaters of all stripes, carnivores, vegans, those on gluten-free diets, and everyone in between.

Whether your idea of delicious is a burger or a kale smoothie, we’ll help you make the healthiest choice possible- highlighting restaurants whose burgers are made from pasture-raised, hormone- and antibiotic -free cows, for example, and juice bars that use organic produce and natural sweeteners.

In addition to helping you find restaurants that use better-for-you ingredients and healthier cooking methods, Clean Plates is dedicated to providing news and tips to make healthy eating a breeze. On our website, you’ll find recipes, profiles of forward-thinking food companies, and more, plus blogs for the cities we cover — Manhattan, Brooklyn, and LA, as well as Clean Plates National (we’re expanding to more cities in the coming year – let me know if you’d like to see Clean Plates in your town!). Again, the goal is to make healthy eating as easy- and enjoyable- as possible.

I really do believe that you can eat healthy, sustainably produced food that’s good for your body, good for the planet, and tastes great, too. Now, if you’ll excuse me — I’m off to eat one of those hormone-free burgers I mentioned.

About the author: Founder of Clean Plates, Jared Koch graduated pre-med from the University of Michigan and completed graduate work at the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine and Institute for Integrative Nutrition with certification by Columbia University, Teachers College. He is a nutritional consultant and health coach certified by the Teachers College of Columbia University, the Global Institute of Alternative Medicine, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Sacred Relationship

Honoring our Inner Goddess

HOLA Hello & Welcome, My beloveds!!!! Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to leave any comments questions or feed back below!

I was watching this video about author Danielle Rollins. I keep seeing the same issue amongst my female peers, settling for less than you deserve, inability to create and honor healthy boundaries for ourselves, putting your needs first and making sure that the life we are living is the one that is most fulfilling for the current soul journey we are on. Danielle talks about something that I lovingly call “Honoring your Inner Goddess”

Some of the things that Danielle touched on were:

1. Understanding that only you control how you let someone treat you.

2. Focusing on your endgame and making it pretty. Perspective is everything  and pretty always makes things better.

3. In life we only have the precious moments, so enjoy the precious moments!

and I want to add –

4. Celebrate every milestone. They are worth celebrating! You worked so hard to get where you are!

Life really is like photography… We develop from the negatives.

We never know where we will derive the strength from until we have no choice but to be strong and create a life that absolutely nourishes the soul. Making sure that you have support is so important as you go through any times of change. Be it a support group, health coach, therapist, trusted friends & family, or network of sacred sisters, be supported as you journey by people who love and care about you, boost you up when you are down and always remind you of your true sacred self.


Most awesome love to you all! Wishing you bright blessings today and everyday!






Coaching Healthy Lifestyle

Being able to Understand & Cope With Feelings

Good morning world!  Today is a brand new chance to make a difference! What is something that we all have, often don’t acknowledge and probably don’t fully understand? The answer …