Getting well has been the focus of my life for over 5 years now. Learning how and what to eat as well as what not to eat. I refuse to let the healthcare system use me as a guinea pig. I know my body best, so I plan on learning from the very best in the business of preventive medicine, teaching the best information available!
For those of you who don’t know me I AM Currently I am Certified Biblical Nutrition Coach, as well as a Licensed Master Aesthetician. I graduated a live out apprentice with Susun Weed, world renowned master herbalist, Wolf Clan member, keeper of the wise woman tradition. I am also a motivational speaker and public speaker regarding Organics and GMO foods and the importance of navigating the terrain when shopping cooking in and eating out.
My Luna Vision is to invite woman (men too!), at any stage of their life, maiden, mother, crone (Young Man, Father, Elder), to nourish empower and care for themselves, preparing their body, mind and spirit, in the best possible way, using the wise women tradition of thinking and healing to best deal with aging, bodily changes, mental distress, and the pollution of our ever changing planet.
I support women(men too!) dealing with “Healthy Life” challenges to change their lifestyle choices to increase overall health, nourishment, well being and empowerment. I help women(men too!) become the miracle they were intended to be, a prosperous, radiant, and discerning being, using a holistic approach to life, women will embrace themselves as they are-healthy, whole and holy.
By teaching women(men too!), to nourish empower & care for themselves, using the gifts provided to us by mother nature, such as, nourishing local organic foods, luxurious, revitalizing organic skin care products, & professionally chosen energetic skin/body care treatments, as well as, Affirmations, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Herbal Tincture and Infusions, Flower essences, Gem Elixirs, specifically chosen, synergistically combined, helping women(men too!), to feel nourished & empowered by using self care to feel healthy whole & holy from the inside out.
Why the World Needs Health Coaches (video)
I need 3 volunteers to do a Health Histories with, as part of my graduation requirements. If you are interested, You can email me at or visit my website