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Sacred Relationship

Self Love 101

Valentine’s Day may only be once a year but Self Love is something that you can give yourself every day!

Let Ama’ritday The Sacred Health Doula of Sacred Connection Health & Life Arts help you create a unique Self Love routine that you can implement daily! Whether you would like to plan a private session, a girl’s night out, a bachelorette party, Administrative Professional/Teacher Appreciation, all are planned to your specific request, health and wellness needs. Whether it is a Baby, Body, Business or Your Life, Preparation, Creation and Manifestation are just a visit away heart emoticon

You will leave feeling revitalized, cared for, with a wealth of divine knowledge and tools to optimize your healthiness, wholeness & holiness!

Make that Sacred Connection within and walk in beauty without!

Holistic Offerings include:
Body Wraps/Facials /Skin Care Consultations/Coaching
Energy Work/Spiritual Counseling
Nutritional Prevention/Reproductive Wellness Coaching
**Except for Body Wraps & Facials all other services can be done In Person or Virtually**


Self Love 101