Fall into Health

What if I told you could reset your life in the next 30 days – from Surviving to Thriving?



Optimal health is being well mind, body and spirit, not just avoiding illness.

Personal experience has shown me moving through life while completely burned out is the exact opposite!


Can you relate?


Most often we are told that the secret to health is to diet better, exercise harder, and shop smarter!

While there is truth to that, how are we supposed to make time for that when our lives are already so full?

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if there was a way to move from surviving to truly thriving, holistically and simply?

I’m talking about waking up with joy each morning, knocking out that to-do list, and doing it without sacrificing time and energy with your loved ones to do it!

Seasonal Living is the Key!

As women, we are cyclic beings being called daily, weekly, seasonally to rest, release, and restore. Using the cycle of our bodies and the cycle of the seasons as a guide to mind/body/spirit healing connection and abundance. Our luteal phase (premenstrual) corresponds with the energy of autumn and the enchantress, when the trees are releasing their leaves and turning inward to prepare for a glorious spring. Showing us the joy in letting go!

Teaching women this concept, it is often the most significant but difficult change for them to incorporate each month because they were never taught to know and honor their bio-individual cycles, to understand the necessity, value and power – of slowing down, truly resting, and releasing the things that are not serving them any longer. This is a key factor that makes women statistically more likely than men to experience overwhelm, addiction, anxiety, burnout, chronic fatigue, depression  and more!


Do any of these sound familiar???


*I want to feel better, but I always lose my motivation, and I don’t know why. 

**I want to be healthier, but I don’t have time to go to the gym or do a lot of meal prepping.

***I want to feel more present in my life, but I don’t know how to balance all of my priorities to make it feel manageable. 

Making healthier decisions doesn’t have to be boring, hard, or time-consuming. And they don’t have to be entirely food-focused. 


Introducing the Fall into Health Program.

Over the next 30 days, we will do a deep dive into areas of your life that may be causing dis-ease and imbalance to your life, overall health and joy, in a way that adds ease, without adding more to your already full life.


Week 1: Release & Replace. This week we’ll work on releasing what isn’t serving you and replacing these unhelpful habits with nourishing ones.

Week 2: Grounding Practices & Foods. This week we’ll learn about what foods naturally ground you & grounding practices that can help you feel clear-headed and present in your daily life.

Week 3: Gentleness & Rejuvenation. This week we’ll learn the importance of self-care and how you can easily incorporate it into your life regularly to feel rejuvenated and satisfied.

Week 4: A Well Balanced Life. Before we finish our month together, we’ll take a look at each area of your life and see where you are feeling unbalanced or unhappy. Then, we’ll craft a plan of action to help you balance those areas of your life moving forward. 


It’s going to be a powerful month to tap into the Autumn season and learn to follow the divine guidance of our cyclical nature. As the trees release their leaves, we’ll dig in and figure out what we need to release as well.  




Who’s this program for? 

  • Mompreneurs – burned-out barely surviving each day but knows there is a better way to achieving her dreams.
  • The woman who dreads getting her cycle each month because it so energy depleting
  • Goal oriented women who know that they need to slow down for optimal health but doesn’t know where to begin
  • Stay at home moms with full lives who are tired of being told to add more things to be better moms!


Invest in YOUR present wellness, instead of future illness!


We will walk through a process that will really help you figure out what you need.

Self-care gets put on the back burner all too often.  Investing in yourself will bring vitality to your life and lift up other people along the way.

Learning to release old patterns and thoughts can create a whole new mindset to your health.

Healthy homes, families and communities start with healthy women and mothers. 

Start with you and everything else will fall into place

You are your most valuable asset, Let the healing begin



BIG BONUS: FREE 30-minute private coaching session after you complete the class!
Private Facebook Group – to get support, encouragement, ask questions & share
Weekly worksheets – to keep you on track and focused and to use after the class
Health Coaching Support – access to me to walk you through your journey!


Program starts on: December 7th – Dec 28th

Live mentorship calls will be held each Monday night at 7pm EST via Zoom. 

Calls will be recorded for you to keep. 



Rev. Maritday Rodriguez aka Ama’ritday~the Sacred Health Doula, a native New Yorker of Taino descent, honored to be in service to women for almost two decades, offering an abundance of traditional women’s healing & birthing wisdom from Taino, Caribbean and Native American cultures. Creating sacred space and providing information to assist women in all phases of their lives create an effective life plan so they can have the ideal pre and post reproductive health experience possible. A wholistic women’s wellness consultant with a background in women’s health, herbalism, integrative nutrition, energy work, doula mentorship, childbirth education, childbirth hypnosis, breastfeeding/lactation counseling, postpartum integration & adjustment.