40 Days To Create + Sell Your E-course


Just some of what we will cover in this course…

how I have sold over $8 million in e-courses

how to + accountability on getting your course DONE

how to market the absolute crap out of your courses!

success checklists

how to be a stronger + more effective teacher

e-course success secrets from an e-course veteran

behind the scenes of my e-course businesses

how to brainstorm your course offering

step-by-step guidance to get your course finished

learn the tech how-tos

how to create excellent boundaries in your course

how to work with your students beautifully

system tips to make your e-course run smoothly and take less admin time

mindmap templates to help you map out your course

worksheets to decide what course you should create first

how to lovingly guide students through your e-courses to create a truly incredible experience for them
****and much much more****



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